No. 715 Lausanne, 21 December 1992 CONCERNING: Analysis of National Legislation for Implementation of the Convent ion 1.Resolution Conf. 8.4, adopted at the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Kyoto, 1992), directed the Secretariat, within available resources: "to identify those Parties whose domestic measures do not provide them with the authority to: i) designate at least one Management Authority and one Scientific Authority; ii) prohibit trade in specimens in violation of the Convention; iii) penalize such trade; or iv) confiscate specimens illegally traded or possessed". 2.An analysis of national legislation for implementation of the Convention will be carried out by the IUCN Environmental Law Centre (the ELC) and TRAFFIC USA, on behalf of the TRAFFIC network, through contracts with the Secretariat. 3.The ELC and TRAFFIC will be requesting, from the Management Authorities of certain Parties, copies of current national legislation that pertains to the following aspects of trade in specimens of CITES species (including plants): a) The import, export, and transit of CITES specimens; b) The internal trade in and possession of CITES specimens; and c) Penalties (including confiscation) for violations of the provisions of such legislation. Many Management Authorities will also receive a draft analysis of their national legislation for implementation of the Convention, for review and comment. 4.The Parties are urged to co-operate fully, and as rapidly as possible, with regard to any information on national legislation that is requested by either the ELC or TRAFFIC. Therefore, the Secretariat asks that each Management Authority that receives a request for information from the ELC or TRAFFIC accept responsibility for providing the information and, whenever necessary, undertake to obtain it from any other governmental source. 5.It is the objective of the Secretariat to have as accurate an analysis as possible available to the Parties, for review and comment, at the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties. 6.Following the analysis, the Secretariat will then work to assist those Parties in need of CITES legislation, as directed by Resolution Conf. 8.4. Therefore, it is very important that the Parties notify the Secretariat on a regular basis of any changes that have been made to their national legislation and regulations for CITES implementation.