
Type d'établissement
Register of captive-breeding operations
Date d'établissement
Date of CITES registration
Origine du cheptel
Transferred from Chiang Rai Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center and Phayao Inland Fisheries Research and Development Center / Transferido de Chiang Rai Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center y Phayao Inland Fisheries Research and Development Center / Transféré de Chiang Rai Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center and Phayao
Inland Fisheries Research and Development Center
Marquage des spécimens
Live specimens marked with a barcode or QR code / Especímenes vivos marcados con código de barras o código QR. / Spécimens vivants marqués de code barre ou code QR
Chiang Mai Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center
Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Director of Chiang Mai Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center
90 Moo 12, Nong Han Sub district
San Sai 50290 Chiang Mai
+66 5349 8428
+66 5349 8556
Species bred