In accordance with Decision 19.197 on Conservation of amphibians (Amphibia spp.), the Secretariat is preparing two online interdisciplinary workshops for CITES Authorities and other relevant authorities and stakeholders about amphibian species in international trade.
This is the second of two workshops, both of which will cover the same issues. The geographical focus of this second workshop encompasses Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania. The working language is English.
This workshop consists of two three-hour sessions per day, scheduled at 12:00-15:00 CET (Central European Time) on 30 November and 1 December 2023.
Link for more details (External or internal event page)
Workshop documents:
- Agenda (updated)
- Background study: International Trade in Amphibians (DRAFT)
Additional resources:
- Luedtke et al. (2023). Ongoing declines for the world's amphibians in the face of emerging threats. Nature Vol. 622, pp. 308-323.
- Auliya et al. (2023). The European Market Remains the Largest Consumer of Frogs' Legs from Wild Species. Conservation 2023, 3, 53-58
- Auliya et al. (2023). Numerous uncertainties in the multifaceted global trade in frogs' legs with the EU as the major customer. Nature Conservation 51: 71-135 (2023).
- (UPDATED) UNEP-WCMC (2023). Review of the EU trade in Pelophylax species from Albania and Türkiye. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
- Species prioritization matrix (Rev.1)
- Trade in exotic amphibians
- CITES Trade Database (extract 2018-2022)
- Auliya, M. et al. (2016). Global amphibian trade flows through Europe: the need for enforcing and improving legislation
- List of Amphibians in EU pet trade (by Pro Wildlife)
- Hughes, A.C. et al. (2021). Gaps in global wildlife trade monitoring leave amphibians vulnerable
- Kitade, T. and K. Wakao. TRAFFIC (2022). Illuminating Amphibians: the amphibian trade in Japan
- Kaczmarski, M. and K. Kolenda (2018). Non-native Amphibian Pet Trade via Internet in Poland
Non-detriment findings draft guidance:
- Module 0: General introduction to NDFs & provisions of the Convention
- Module 1: Principles and concepts of NDFs
- Module 2: NDF in practice
- Simple NDF template/sites/default/files/common/docs/meeting_info/amphibians/overview%20frogs'%20legs%20trade.pdf