This technical workshop is organized in accordance with Decision 18.256 (Rev. CoP19) on Songbird trade and conservation management adopted by the Conference of the Parties to CITES at its 19th meeting (CoP19, Panama City, November 2022). The workshop will consider the findings of a preliminary study on the scale and scope of international songbird trade and the management and conservation priorities of songbird taxa involved in such trade, and will bring together members of the Animals and Standing Committee, representatives from range, exporting, transit and consumer States, and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
More detail available from here.
Information note for participants
Workshop documents:
Background study:
CITES Songbird report part 1: Overview
CITES Songbird report part 2: Prioritization
Supplementary material S1: Table of priority songbirds
Summary of responses to Notification to the Parties No. 2023/103
Information documents:
Inf.1: Illegal songbird trade and captive breeding of songbirds in Europe
Inf.2: Deletion of birds from CITES Appendix III changed global trade reports and dynamics
Songbirds in Trade Database (SiTDB):
Inf.3: Songbirds in Trade Database (SiTDB)
Juergens et al (2021). A standardized dataset for conservation prioritization of songbirds to support CITES
Database file
Metadata file
Synonyms HBI
The Songbird Species Knowledge Initiative:
Inf.4: The Songbird Species Knowledge Initiative
Songbird SKI Summary report
Annex 1: Songbird SKI
Annex 2: Essays on live songbird trade and ex-situ conservation
Americas Songbird crisis:
Latin America
Trinidad and Tobago (file 1 of 2)
Trinidad and Tobago (file 2 of 2)
United States of America
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Asian Songbird crisis:
TRAFFIC report (2017): Caged in the City
Lees and Yuda (2022). The Asian songbird crisis
TRAFFIC Southeast Asia report (2004): pet trade in Medan, Sumatra
USAID-BIJAK (2020): Songbird Demand Reduction and Behaviour Change in Indonesia
TRAFFIC Bulletin Vol. 29 No.1 (2017): Second South-east Asian Songbird Crisis Summit
Lee et al. (2016). Conservation strategy for Southeast Asian songbirds in trade
Shukhova et al. (2021). The IUCN SSC Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group. A brief report on its first four years: 2017-2020.
Other resources:
Mirin and Klinck (2021). Bird singing contests: Looking back on thirty years of research on a global conservation concern
World Parrot Trust (in review). Using customs data to understand overlooked trade in non-CITES birds between Africa and Asia
USFWS Species Conservation Catalyst Fund on Songbird Trade (external link)
Day 1
BirdLife International Global Assessment of Songbirds in Trade
IUCN SSC Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group (ASTSG)
Songbird Species Knowledge Initiative
EAZA Studies on Delisting and EU Trade
TRAFFIC Songbird Trade Observation and Seizures in South-east Asia
World Parrot Trust: Trade in Live Birds from Africa
Day 2: Parties' perspectives and experiences
1. Suriname
2. Cuba
3. United States of America
4. Thailand
5. Morocco
6. Senegal
7. Switzerland
8. New Zealand (including wider Oceania)
Additional information: