Meeting date
04 - 08 décembre 2023
Closed event
Global meeting for CITES Parties and qualified observers to develop NDF guidance.
Practical information related to travel and stay (Rev. 3)
Provisional participants list (Rev. 2)
Procedural documents
- Workshop agenda and working programme (Rev. 2)
- Steering committee and working group set-up
- Draft working group mandates subject to approval by workshop plenary
- Draft mandate for working group 4 - App. I import NDFs
- Working group schedule and breakout room allocation (Rev.)
Background and progress presentations
- The CITES NDF project (agenda item 4)
- NDF draft guidance (agenda item 5)
- WG progress updates to plenary (Wednesday afternoon)
- Modules 1&2 - Generic NDF guidance
- Module 3 - Local and traditional knowledge and participatory species monitoring and management
- Module 4 - NDFs for Appendix I imports
- Module 5 - NDFs for marine and aquatic species
- Module 6 - NDFs for migratory and transboundary species
- Module 8 - NDFs for birds
- Module 9 - NDFs for reptiles
- Module 10 - NDFs for timber-producing trees
- Module 11 - NDFs for plant species
NDF draft guidance
- Module 0 - General introduction to NDFs & provisions of the Convention
- Module 1 - Principles and concepts of NDFs
- Module 2 - NDF in practice
- Module 3 - Local and traditional knowledge and participatory species monitoring and management in NDFs
- Case study: LTK in making NDFs (submitted by China)
- Module 4 - NDFs for Appendix I imports
- Module 5 - NDFs for marine and aquatic species
- Queen Conch NDF guidance:
- Outline (E)
- Flowchart (E)
- Worksheets (E)
- Plan de pasos (ES)
- Flowchart (ES)
- Queen Conch NDF guidance:
- Module 6 - NDFs for migratory and transboundary species
- Module 7 - NDFs for terrestrial invertebrates
- Module 8 - NDFs for birds
- Module 9 - NDFs for reptiles
- Module 10 - NDFs for timber-producing trees
- Module 11 - NDFs for plant species
- Case study Prunus africana (submitted by Cameroon)
- Case study Rhodiola rosea (submitted by China)
- Case study Galanthus woronowii (submitted by Georgia)
- Module 12 - Online tools and certification schemes in relation to NDFs
- NDF - Simple NDF template
NDF case studies:
Birds: Cockatoo NDF case study
Terrestrial invertebrates:
Timber-producing trees: short case studies
- Simple NDF template Boa constrictor
- Simple NDF template Bradypodion thamnobates
- Simple NDF template Chameleo senegalensis
- Simple NDF template Corallus caninus
- Simple NDF template Ctenosaura similis
- Simple NDF template Diamond backed terrapin
- Simple NDF template Kinixys homeana
- Simple NDF template Osteolaemus osborni
- Simple NDF template Phrynosoma hernandesi
- Simple NDF template Physignathus cocincinus
- Simple NDF template Shinisaurus crocodilurus
- Simple NDF template Smaug mossambicus
- Simple NDF template Spiny softshell turtle
- Simple NDF template Varanus niloticus