
Type d'établissement
Register of captive-breeding operations
Date d'établissement
Date of CITES registration
Origine du cheptel
Transféré de Phayao Inland Fisheries Research and Development Center pour Pangasianodon gigas.
Transféré de Nong Khai Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center pour Probarbus jullieni.
Marquage des spécimens
Spécimens vivants marqués de code barre ou code QR.
Udon Thani Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center
Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Director of Udon Thani Inland Aquaculture Research and Development Center
595, Phoa Niyom Road, Mak khaeng sub-District
Mueang 41000 Udon Thani
+66 4222 1167