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14 results found
La CITES fait part du décès de Poasi Ngaluafe
C'est avec une profonde tristesse que le Secrétariat de la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages menacées d'extinction (CITES) annonce le décès prématuré...
La CITES rend hommage au Dr Hank Jenkins
C’est avec une grande tristesse que le Secrétariat de la CITES fait état du décès du Dr Robert ‘Hank’ Jenkins. Le Dr Jenkins a participé aux travaux de la Convention...
La CITES rend hommage au Dr. Thomas Althaus
C’est avec une grande tristesse que le Secrétariat de la CITES fait part du décès du Dr Thomas Althaus. Le Dr Althaus a été pendant de nombreuses années à la...
CITES saddened by death of Jean-Patrick Le Duc
The CITES Secretariat was saddened to learn of the death of former staff member Jean- Patrick Le Duc. Jean-Patrick Le Duc attended CoP4 (1983) to CoP6 (1987) representing various non-governmental...
CITES remembers Richard Leakey
The CITES Secretariat is saddened to learn of the passing at age 77 of Richard Leakey, the world-renowned fossil hunter, politician and conservationist. Building on the work of his famous...
CITES remembers Fábio Hazin
The CITES Secretariat was saddened to learn of the death of Dr Fábio Hazin of Brazil. He served as the Chair of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic...
CITES remembers Zoltán Czirák
On March 23, 2021, nature conservation suffered a tragic loss. On that day, Zoltán Czirák passed away suddenly at the age of 51 due to complications related to COVID-19. Mr...
CITES remembers Dr. Maurice Isaacs
"I met Maurice Isaacs many years ago before becoming Secretary-General of the Convention Secretariat. I have always known him as a professional dedicated to conservation so that current as well...
In memoriam – Edna Molewa
"Edna Molewa was a true champion for the environment, in her home country, throughout Africa and across the world. She was a great friend of CITES and was instrumental in...
In memoriam – Anton Mezhnev
Mr. Anton Pavlovich Mezhnev was the Saiga MOU Focal Point at the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia for more than 10 years. Apart from his role as the National...