Quinzième session de la Conférence des Parties
Doha (Qatar), 13 – 25 mars 2010
Ordre du jour provisoire et documents de travail
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Documents d'information
Titre | Document | Questions inscrites à l'ordre du jour | Langue | Placé/ modifié le (jj/mm/aaaa) | |
1. | Guide pour les participants (préparé par le Secrétariat) | CoP15 Inf. 1 | 3 | français | 12/02/2010 |
2. | Election de membres des comités CITES (préparé par le Secrétariat) | CoP15 Inf. 2 | |||
3. | Atelier international de spécialistes sur les ACNP – Rapports des groupes de travail (soumis par le Secrétariat à la demande de la présidente du Comité pour les plantes) | CoP15 Inf. 3 | 16.2 | français | 22/10/2009 |
4. | Tiger range state report – Thailand (submitted by Thailand) | CoP15 Inf. 4 | 43.1 | anglais | 05/11/2009 |
5. | Tiger range state report – India (submitted by India) | CoP15 Inf. 5 | 43.1 | anglais | 05/11/2009 |
6. | Tiger range state report – China (submitted by China) | CoP15 Inf. 6 | 43.1 | anglais | 05/11/2009 |
7. | Tiger range state report – Viet Nam (submitted by Viet Nam) | CoP15 Inf. 7 | 43.1 | anglais | 05/11/2009 |
8. | Recommendations from the Kathmandu Global Tiger Workshop (submitted by the Secretariat on behalf of the Kathmandu Global Tiger Workshop) | CoP15 Inf. 8(Rev. 1) | 43 | anglais | 05/11/2009 26/11/2009 |
9. | Tiger range state report – Malaysia (submitted by Malaysia) | CoP15 Inf. 9 | 43.1 | anglais | 18/12/2009 |
10. | Principes du Canada relatifs à la CITES (soumis par le Canada) | CoP15 Inf. 10 | - | français | 05/01/2010 |
11. | Gestion et commerce international de l’ours blanc au Canada (soumis par le Canada) | CoP15 Inf. 11 | - | français | 06/01/2010 |
12. | Supplementary information on the Proposal to include Atlantic bluefin tuna (submitted by Monaco) | CoP15 Inf. 12 | 52 | anglais | 12/01/2010 |
13. | Extension of the 2009 SCRS Meeting to Consider the Status of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Populations with Respect to CITES Biological Listing Criteria (submitted by Monaco) | CoP15 Inf. 13 | 52 | anglais | 12/01/2010 |
14. | Air transport of Live Specimens (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of IATA) | CoP15 Inf. 14 | 33 | anglais | 12/01/2010 |
15. | Tibetan antelope (submitted by India) | CoP15 Inf. 15 | 46 | anglais | 14/01/2010 |
16. | Position statement on conservation of and trade in tigers (submitted by China) | CoP15 Inf. 16 | 43.2 | anglais | 14/01/2010 |
17. | Fiches d’identification de la CITES (soumis par le Canada) | CoP15 Inf. 17 | - | français | 22/01/2010 |
18. | Analyses des propositions d’amendement des annexes CITES (soumis par le secrétariat à la demande de IUCN/TRAFFIC) | CoP15 Inf. 18 | 68 | français | 16/02/2010 |
Annexe: Analyses | CoP15 Inf. 18A | ||||
19. | Report of the liaison group meeting on bushmeat (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP15 Inf. 19 | 61 | anglais | 15/02/2010 |
20. | First Asian Ministerial Conference On Tiger Conservation (submitted by the Secretariat on behalf of the Government of Thailand) | CoP15 Inf. 20 | 43 | anglais | 17/02/2010 |
21. | Marking of raw ivory (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP15 Inf. 21 | 44.1 (Rev. 1) | anglais | 22/02/2010 |
22. | A study of progress on conservation of and trade in CITES-listed tortoises and freshwater turtles in Asia (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of IUCN) | CoP15 Inf. 22 | 49 | anglais | 01/03/2010 |
23. | Implementation of the strategic vision: 2008-2013 (submitted by Germany) | CoP15 Inf. 23 | 8 | anglais | 23/02/2010 |
24. | Master’s course on management, access and conservation of species in trade: the international framework (submitted by Spain) | CoP15 Inf. 24 CoP15 Inf. 24 | - | anglais espagnol | 24/02/2010 24/02/2010 |
25. | Application de la Convention en Egypte (préparé par le secrétariat) | CoP15 Inf. 25 | - | français | 02/03/2010 |
26. | Statement from the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department on CoP15 Proposal 19 to list the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna In Appendix I (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of FAO) | CoP15 Inf. 26 | 52 / 68 | anglais | 01/03/2010 |
27. | Progress report on CITES enforcement in Nigeria (submitted by Nigeria) | CoP15 Inf. 27 | 24 | anglais | 01/03/2010 |
28. | Statement by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of CBD) | CoP15 Inf. 28 | - | anglais Arabe | 01/03/2010 |
29. | Tiger range state report – Lao People’s Democratic Republic (submitted by the Lao People’s Democratic Republic) | CoP15 Inf. 29 | 43 | anglais | 01/03/2010 |
30. | Objectifs stratégiques de l'Union européenne pour la Conférence des Parties (soumis par le Secrétariat, à la demande du parlement européen) | CoP15 Inf. 30 | - | français | 02/03/2010 |
31. | Review of trade in Merbau from major range states - A Traffic Southeast Asia Report- (submitted by Germany) | CoP15 Inf. 31CoP15 Inf. 31A | - | anglais | 03/03/2010 03/03/2010 |
32. | Illegal killing of rhinoceros in South Africa (submitted by South Africa) | CoP15 Inf. 32 | - | anglais | 05/03/2010 |
33. | The conservation status of rhinoceroses in Zimbabwe (submitted by Zimbabwe) | CoP15 Inf. 33 | - | anglais | 09/03/2010 |
34. | Morelet´s crocodile (Crocodylus Moreletii) (submitted by Mexico) | CoP15 Inf. 34 | - | anglais espagnol | 11/03/2010 |
35. | The CBD lifeweb initiative and CITES (provided at the request of Spain, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States) | CoP15 Inf. 35 | - | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
36. | FAQ EU sharks – frequently asked questions related to the listing proposals of porbeagle and spiny dogfish (submitted by Spain on behalf of the European Union and its member states) | CoP15 Inf. 36 | - | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
37. | Enforcement matters and establishment of a global seizures database (submitted by Spain on behalf of the European Union and its member states) | CoP15 Inf. 37 | - | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
38. | Additional information on amendment proposal CoP15 Prop. 2 (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP15 Inf. 38 | Prop. 2 | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
39. | United Nations Environment Programme report on intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of UNEP) | CoP15 Inf. 39 | - | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
40. | Levels of illegal killing of elephants in the Laikipia-Samburu MIKE site (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP15 Inf. 40 | 44.2 | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
41. | Trends and factors associated with the illegal killing of elephants (submitted by the Secretariat) | CoP15 Inf. 41 | 44.2 | anglais | 11/03/2010 |
42. | Recommandation sur le commerce des coraux, des espèces récifales et des produits associés (présenté par le Samoa) | CoP15 Inf. 42 | 36, 37, 54 Prop. 21 | français | 19/03/2010 |
43. | Analysis of parties’ biennial reports on implementation of cites 2005-2006 and 2007-2008 (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of UNEP-WCMC) | CoP15 Inf. 43 | - | anglais | 14/03/2010 |
44. | Streamlined reporting by pacific island countries to the biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements (submitted by Australia) | CoP15 Inf. 44Annex | - | anglais | 14/03/2010 |
45. | Article XIV, paragraphes 4 et 5, de la Convention (préparé par le Secrétariat) | CoP15 Inf. 45 | - | français | 14/03/2010 |
46. | Addressing competing demands - a thematic paper from the Kathmandu global tiger workshop (submitted by the Secretariat, on behalf of the World Bank and TRAFFIC) | CoP15 Inf. 46 | - | anglais | 14/03/2010 |
47. | Report of the FAO and CITES technical workshop on combating illegal sturgeon fishing and trade | CoP15 Inf. 47Annex | - | anglais | 15/03/2010 |
48. | Additional information on the family corallIidae | CoP15 Inf. 48 | 54 Prop. 21 | anglais | 15/03/2010 |
49. | Importaciones y re-exportaciones de Cedrela odorata, Dalbergia retusa, Dalbergia granadillo y Dalbergia stevensonii de los países importadores (a solicitud del Grupo de trabajo sobre la caoba de hoja grande) | CoP15 Inf. 49 | 57 | espagnol | 15/03/2010 |
50. | Análisis de los informes nacionales sobre Cedrela odorata (a solicitud del Grupo de trabajo sobre la caoba de hoja grande) | CoP15 Inf. 50 | 57 | espagnol | 15/03/2010 |
51. | Análisis de los informes nacionales sobre Dalbergia retusa, Dalbergia granadillo y Dalbergia stevensonii (a solicitud del Grupo de trabajo sobre la caoba de hoja grande) | CoP15 Inf. 51 | 57 | espagnol | 15/03/2010 |
52. | Estados del área de distribución de Cedrela odorata, Dalbergia retusa, Dalbergia granadillo y Dalbergia stevensonii (a solicitud del Grupo de trabajo sobre la caoba de hoja grande) | CoP15 Inf. 52 | 57 | espagnol | 15/03/2010 |
53. | Monitoring of illegal trade in ivory and other elephant specimens (submitted by the Secretariat, at the request of TRAFFIC) | CoP15 Inf. 53 | 44.2 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
54. | International Workshops on Coralliidae Science, Management and Trade (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP15 Inf. 54 | 36 & Prop 21 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
55. | Agreement on port state measures to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (submitted by the Secretariat, following consultation with FAO) | CoP15 Inf. 55 | Doc. 27 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
56. | Speech by Mozafar Sharifi, Member, IUCN SSC Chiroptera Specialist Group, Head Dept of Biology and Director Razi University Center for Environmental Studies, Baghabrisham 67149, Kermanshah, IRAN (submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran) | CoP15 Inf. 56 | Prop. 14 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
57. | EU position on listing proposal 19 to include atlantic bluefin tuna in Appendix I (submitted by Spain, on behalf of the EU and its Member States) | CoP15 Inf. 57 | Doc. 52 & 68 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
58. | Comment of the United Republic of Tanzania on document CoP15 Doc. 68 Addendum | CoP15 Inf. 58 (Rev.1) | Doc. 68 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
59. | United Republic of Tanzania African Elephant Population Statistics with Focus on the 2009 Census Results (submitted by the United Republic of Tanzania) | CoP15 Inf. 59 | Prop. 4 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
60. | Update on Issues raised by the report of the panel of experts (submitted by Zambia) | CoP15 Inf. 60 | Doc. 68 | anglais | 16/03/2010 |
61. | World Bank statement (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of the World Bank) | CoP15 Inf. 61 | Doc. 11 | anglais | 17/03/2010 |
62. | Rhino horn trade management in Viet Nam, including legally acquired horns from trophy hunting (submitted by Viet Nam) | CoP15 Inf. 62 | Doc. 45 | anglais | 22/03/2010 |
63. | ICCAT Statement Bluefin Tuna in CITES CoP15 Doha 18 March 2010 (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of the ICCAT) | CoP15 Inf. 63 | Doc. 52 & Prop. 19 | anglais | 22/03/2010 |
64. | Statement by Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General, World Customs Organization (submitted by the Secretariat at the request of the World Customs Organization) | CoP15 Inf. 64 | - | anglais | 22/03/2010 |
65. | Recommendations of the 3rd international workshop & Conference for Wildlife Detector Dogs (provided at the request of Spain, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States) | CoP15 Inf. 65 | 25 | anglais | 22/03/2010 |
66. | Internet searches to monitor wildlife trade (provided at the request of Spain, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States) | CoP15 Inf. 66 | 32 | anglais | 22/03/2010 |
67. | Global Tiger Forum (submitted by India) | CoP15 Inf. 67 | 43 | anglais | 23/03/2010 |
68. | Plan d’Action pour l’Eléphant d’Afrique (soumis par les Etats de l'aire de répartition de l'éléphant d'Afrique) | CoP15 Inf. 68 | 44 | français | 23/03/2010 |
69. | Appendix II listing proposals for sharks (submitted by the United States of America) | CoP15 Inf. 69 | Prop. 15 & 16 | anglais | 24/03/2010 |
70. | Proposed revised decisions and Resolution Conf. 12.6 for possible discussion in CoP15 Plenary (submitted by New Zealand) | CoP15 Inf. 70 | 53 | anglais | 24/03/2010 |
71. | Information document on Tigernet (submitted by India) | CoP15 Inf. 71 | - | anglais | 25/03/2010 |