Fomento de capacidad

El término “fomento de capacidad” hace referencia generalmente al desarrollo de actividades y materiales en apoyo de la adquisición de determinados conocimientos o competencias para comprender y aplicar mejor las disposiciones de la Convención.

Resolutions and Decisions

Documentos del Comité

  • AC31 Doc. 10 / PC25 Doc. 11 (Incluye los resultados de la encuesta de la Notif. No.2020/027 y un resumen de la información de otros convenios relacionados con la diversidad biológica relativa a sus actividades de fomento de capacidad)
  • AC31 Doc. 10 / PC25 Doc.11 Add. (Rev. 1) (Incluye información actualizada sobre los esfuerzos de coordinación en otros acuerdos ambientales multilaterales, los resultados del cuestionario de la Notif. No.2020/027, e información sobre las necesidades de fomento de capacidad indicadas en los informes de aplicación de la CITES)

Oportunidades actuales en materia de fomento de capacidad

Recursos y oportunidades de apoyo al fomento de capacidad

International University of Andalucía (UNIA) Master’s Degree in Management and Conservation of Species in Trade

UNIA logo

Organized by the International University of Andalucía, the UNIA Master’s course has been running since 1998 and has provided specialized quality training on the concepts, scientific bases, techniques and instruments that enable CITES implementation to hundreds of participants from over 100 coutnries. Many of the course participnats are CITES authority officials.

The course, held every two years, consists of an on-campus period of 11 weeks in Baeza, Spain, followed by a research period of 9 months leading to the submission of a master’s thesis. The successful completion leads to the attainment of 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits and the Master’s Degree issued by UNIA, a public university in Spain.>

Important dates regarding the 15th edition of the Master’s course are (all dates to be confirmed):

  • Publication of course information through Notification to Parties: mid-2023
  • Pre-registration: June-October 2023
  • Formal enrolment: November-December 2023
  • On-campus period from 15 April to 30 June 2024
  • Virtual period from 1 February to 1 September 2024

Subject to the availability of external funds, the CITES Secretariat provides limited financial support to interested CITES officials from developing country Parties. Other financial support is available from the West Africa Biodiversity and Low Emissions Development program (USAID WABiLED) for participants from West Africa.

Commemorative book "Master CITES: A success story of the Spanish cooperation (2019)"

Photos from the Master's course