Seventeenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, Johannesburg (South Africa), 24 September - 05 October 2016.
The Sponsored Delegates Project aims to ensure representation at meetings of the Conference of the Parties of least developed countries, developing countries and countries with economies in transition that do not have sufficient funds to support the participation of two delegates. Full participation in meetings of the Conference of the Parties is essential to ensure that the recommendations and decisions that are voted reflect the agreements reached by the majority of CITES Parties. This is very important given that, in the past, the results of several crucial votes taken at the meetings were decided by very close margins.
The Secretariat hereby invites all States and organizations that might be able to provide financial support to inform it as soon as possible of their intention to contribute to this important project. The fund-raising target for this project is USD 1 million, to enable the Secretariat to provide the same level of support to Parties as at previous meetings.
If you are interested in making a financial contribution to this project, please contact the CITES Secretariat ([email protected])
Contributions received for the CoP17 Sponsored Delegates Project
(as of 28 September 2016)
Donors |
Amount in USD
Australia (AUD 20,000) (pledged) |
Austria (EUR 5,000) (deposit)
Canada (USD 6,090 - deposit/ CAD 20,000 - pledged) |
China (USD 20,000) (deposit)
20,000 |
European Union (EUR 75,247) (deposit)
103,790 |
European Union (part of assessed contribution for 2015 as per SC66 decision) (deposit)
60,226 |
Finland (EUR 15,000) (deposit)
16,192 |
Germany (EUR 50,000) (deposit) | 56,320 |
Netherlands (EUR 10,000) (deposit)
10,836 |
New Zealand (NZD 10,000) (pledged) | 7,300 |
Sweden (SEK 150,000) (deposit) | 17,301 |
Switzerland (CHF 25,000) (pledged/deposit)
27,406 |
United Kingdom (GBP 15,000) (pledged) | 19,973 |
USA (USD 65,000) (deposit/pledged)
65,000 |
GLOBE Foundation (deposit)
4,800 |
Oak Foundation (deposit)
40,000 |
PEW Charitable Trusts (USD 5,000) (deposit)
5,000 |
The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) (deposit)
4,000 |
Vulcan Philanthropy (USD 10,000) (deposit)
10,000 |
Registration fee (USD 100,000) (former deposits on BL-2K70-5302)
100,000 |
Registration fee (USD 60,000) (CoP17 deposits on BL-2K70-5302)
60,000 |
Programme Support Costs* | 79,400 |
Grand Total | 669,824 |
Read Notification to the Parties No. 2015/054 for more about the Sponsored Delegates Project.
* The CITES Secretariat and UNEP have each agreed to waive programme support costs for funds raised for the SDP.