Decimonovena reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes

Panama City, Panama, 14 - 25 Noviembre 2022

Information documents

(todos los documentos aparecen en formato PDF)

Título Archivos Referenced agenda item Created / Updated
1. Two thirds of species in a global shark fin trade hub are threatened with extinction: conservation potential of international trade regulations for coastal sharks (submitted by Panama)
Prop. 37
2. New identification guide in support of proposals 37, 38 and 40 (submitted by Panama)
Prop. 37, 38, 40
3. IUCN/TRAFFIC Summary of the analyses of the proposals to amend the CITES Appendices at the 19th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 89
4. IUCN/TRAFFIC Analyses of the proposals to amend the CITES Appendices at the 19th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 89
5. The history and challenges of agarwood and CITES (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Doc. 62.2
6. Amazon Regional Observatory: A Strategic Tool to Support the CITES Implementation in the 8 Amazonian Countries (submitted by the Secretariat)
Agenda item 17
7. Compilation of draft decisions proposed to CoP19 (submitted by the Secretariat)
8. Enhancing the engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities in CITES (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 13
9. A Review of edible orchid trade (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 86
10. Boswellia species in international trade: Identification, supply chains, & practical management considerations (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 63
11. Report of the Second Consultation Workshop of Biodiversity-related Conventions on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (Bern II) (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 17.1
12. Expensive, Exploited and Endangered. A review of the agarwood-producing genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops: CITES considerations, trade patterns, conservation, and management (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 62.1
13. A Summary of Canada’s Contribution to the Standing Committee Intersessional Working Group on Captive Bred and Ranched Specimens (submitted by Canada)
Doc. 53
14. Mobilizing Sustainable Finance for African Elephant Conservation (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 7.5 and Doc. 66.2.2
15. The definition of ‘artificially propagated’ of CITES-listed tree species (submitted by China)
Doc. 56 and Doc. 62
16. Identification Guide for Sea Cucumbers in Commercial Trade (submitted by France)
17. Reservations (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 88
18. Consideration of additional efficiencies in the movement of musical instruments for non-commercial purposes (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 9.1.1 and Doc. 41
19. Supporting Iraq's proposal regarding document No. (8) of the Arabic language strategy in the Convention (submitted by Iraq)
Doc. 8
20. Further information on proposed budget revisions for UNEP-WCMC's trade monitoring support to CITES 2023-2025 (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 7.4
21. Supplemental freshwater turtle species proposals' information package (submitted by the United States of America)
Prop.23 to 33
22. Election of regional members of the Standing Committee and of members of the Animals and Plants Committees (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 9.2.2 and 9.3.2
23. The situation of the cheetah in Asia (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 59
24. World Wildlife Trade Report (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 12
25. ICCWC vision 2030 and Strategic action plan 2023-2026 (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 17.5
26. Second edition of the ICCWC Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 17.5
27. Information on the exercise of the right to vote by the European Union (EU) or the EU Member States (MS) (submitted by the European Union)
28. Information document on commentary on the proposed amendments to Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17) CoP19 Doc. 87.1 (submitted by Cambodia and Zimbabwe)
Doc. 87.1
29. Engaging Indigenous peoples and local communities in international policy- and decision-making: Lessons for CITES from multilateral environmental and human rights processes (submitted by the Secretariat)
Docs. 13 and 15
30. ECOWAS Regional Declaration on a robust response to the extinction crisis at the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (submitted by Ghana and Liberia)
Doc. 83
31. Medicinal and aromatic plant species in the CITES Appendices (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 82
32. Medicinal Plant Names Services (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Doc. 82
33. Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) updated trend analysis (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 66.6
34. Compilation of draft decisions and resolutions proposed in working documents with linkage to POW sub-headings and activities (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 7.4
35. The urgent need for rapid transport of diagnostic samples (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 9.1.1
36. Explicación del proceso en cinco etapas contenido en el proyecto de “Orientaciones para las Partes en la CITES sobre la elaboración y aplicación de estrategias de reducción de la demanda para combatir el comercio ilegal de especies CITES”, centrado en casos de estudio y ejemplos en América Latina y el Caribe (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 38
37. Información complementaria para las propuestas de enmienda de Phrynosoma spp, Prop. 18 y ,Kinosternon spp, prop. 29) (submitted by Mexico)
Prop. 18 & Prop. 29
38. Information document on the Global Species Action Plan (submitted by the Republic of Korea)
Doc. 16 & Doc. 17.1
39. Pangolins in West Africa (submitted by Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone)
Doc. 71.1 & Doc. 71.2
40. Elephant Trade Information System (ETIS) data collection and processing - Definitions and Standard Operating Procedures for inclusion in ETIS analysis (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 21
41. Additional trade and decline information in support of CoP19 Prop. 37 (requiem sharks) (submitted by Panama)
Prop. 37
42. Legal controls on domestic trade of Appendix-I listed species (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 39
43. Outputs and possible future activities of the CITES Tree Species Programme (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 19 & Doc. 20
44. Statement on incorrect descriptions of Taiwan Province of China, Hong Kong SAR of China, Macao SAR of China and China's Diaoyu islands in relation to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity in documents submitted to CITES CoP19 (submitted by China)
Prop. 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 37, 40, and 44 & Doc. 62.2
45. Japan's position to the Annex to the Notification No. 2022/067 dated 19 September 2022 (CoP19 Prop. 10) (submitted by Japan)
Prop. 10
46. ECOWAS response to comments of the Secretariat on documents CoP19 Doc. 36.1 and CoP19 Doc. 3.6.2 (submitted by Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal)
Doc. 36.1 & Doc. 36.2
47. Progress report efforts by Public-Private Council for the promotion of appropriate ivory trade measures (submitted by Japan)
Doc. 66.1
48. Japan's report on characteristics of the ivory market and measures taken (submitted by Japan)
Doc. 66.1
49. Application of the Criteria for Listing Commercially Exploited Aquatic Species the CITES Appendices (submitted by EU and its Member States and Panama)
Prop.37, 38, 42
50. Proposal to amend document 55 “Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in captivity for commercial purposes” (submitted by the European Union and its Member States)
Doc. 55
51. Lack of scientific rigor and misleading data in Proposal 1 “Transfer of Common Hippopotamus from Appendix II to Appendix I” (submitted by Botswana, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
52. Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 69.1
53. Musical instruments and Paubrasilia echinata (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 89.1
54. Musical instruments and annotations (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 85.1
55. CITES Musical Instrument Certificate (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 9.1.1
56. Review of the ETIS Programme (submitted by Japan)
Doc. 21
57. CITES and gender (submitted by Panama)
Doc. 25
58. Guidance for first responders on the short-term care of confiscated pangolins (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 71
59. Publicación del libro “Conservación, uso y aprovechamiento sustentable de tiburones mexicanos listados en la CITES” (submitted by Mexico)
Doc. 65
60. Declaration in the framework of the region of Central and South America, and the Caribbean, preparatory meeting for CoP19 (submitted by Argentina and Panama)
61. The Great Apes Survival Partnership information document (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 9.1.1
62. Making non-detriment findings for seahorses (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 69.1
63. Support to the implementation of the UNREDD initiative for sustainable forest trade in the lower mekong project, with a focus on trade in CITES-listed timber species (SFT-LMR-CITES) (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 19
64. The status of Africa's elephants and updates on issues relevant to CITES (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 84.1, Prop. 4, 5, Inf. 4
65. Botswana Leopard Management and Action Plan (submitted by Botswana)
Doc. 51
66. Proposal to transfer the common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) from CITES Appendix II to I (submitted by Benin and Niger)
67. Additional trade and decline information In support of CoP19 Prop. 39 (freshwater stingrays) (submitted by Brazil)
Prop. 39
68. Marine ornamental fish trade in the UK (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Doc. 80
69. Marine Ornamental Fishes (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Doc. 80
70. U.S. Proposed Changes to Secretariat's Proposal to Merge Draft Decision of CoP19 Doc. 64.1 with Marine Turtle Resolution in CoP19 Doc. 64.2 (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 64.2
71. Update to CITES Parties on the population status of rhinoceroses (black & white) and measures in place to address rhino poaching in Botswana) (submitted by Botswana)
Doc. 75
72. Conservation status, trade and threats to the genus Boswellia (frankincense) (submitted by Switzerland)
Doc. 63
73. Suggested text changes – draft resolution and draft decisions on One Health and CITES (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 23.2
74. CITES listed species on the IUCN Red List of threatened species: changes since CITES CoP18 (submitted by Switzerland)
Doc. 80
75. Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal (submitted by the Republic of Korea)
Doc. 85
76. Report on CITES Implementation in Viet Nam in 2019-2022 Period (submitted by Viet Nam)
Docs. 66.1, 68, 71.1 and 75
77. Amendment Proposal for Proposal 37. family Carcharhinidae (54 species) (submitted by Japan)
Prop. 37
78. Notes on the proposal for inclusion of guitarfish (family: Rhinobatidae) in Appendix II of CITES In relation to global management deficiencies (sumbitted by Sri Lanka)
Prop. 40
79. Notes on the proposal for inclusion of requiem sharks (family: Carcharhinidae) in Appendix II of CITES In relation to global management deficiencies (submitted by Sri Lanka)
Prop. 37
80. Beyond Seizures: Adopting the ICCWC Indicator Framework as a Tool to Measure Effective Enforcement Responses to Trafficking of CITES listed Species (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Doc. 17.5
81. Rhino Horn Trafficking as a Form of Transnational Organised Crime (2012–2021): 2022 Global Threat Assessment (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Doc. 75
82. Informations supplémentaires sur la fermeture des marches intérieurs de l'ivoire (submitted by Burkina Faso)
Doc. 66.3
83. Scientific assessment for Hippopotamus amphibius (Hippopotamus) (submitted by South Africa)
84. Mechanisms for funding elephant conservation following the non-commercial disposal of ivory stockpiles (submitted by Kenya)
Doc. 66.2.2
85. lllegal Trade in Great Apes (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 36.1
86. Additional trade and decline information in support of CoP19 Prop.41 (Zebra Pleco) (submitted by Brazil)
Prop. 41
87. Highly credible shark assessment underpin CITES decisions (submitted by Panama)
Prop.37, 38, 39, 40
88. ECOWAS Appeal for an ambitious Global Response to the Biodiversity Crisis (submitted by Nigeria)
Doc. 83
89. Strategic Areas of Intervention and Priority Recommendations to Combat the Biodiversity Crisis in West Africa by 2030 (submitted by Nigeria)
Doc. 36.2
90. Implementing CITES Appendix II Listings for Marine Fishes: A Novel Framework and a Constructive Analysis (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Docs. 65 and 69
91. South Africa's second National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (NLOA-Sharks II) (submitted by South Africa)
92. Publicación de la “Guía Informativa para la Elaboración de Estudios Técnicos de Aprovechamiento Sustentable de Candelilla en el Marco de las Disposiciones de la CITES” (submitted by Mexico)
Doc. 43.1
93. COP19 Prop. 11 (Caiman latirostris) (submitted by Brazil)
Prop. 11
94. CoP19 Doc 19 CITES & Forests: Proposed amendment to the Draft Decisions by Canada, the United States of America and Mexico (the North American Region) (submitted by the United States of America)
Doc. 19
95. Ex Situ Conservation Assessment And Planning For The Sunda Pangolin (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 71.1
96. Tracking seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) illegal wildlife trade through seizures reported online (submitted by the USA)
Agenda item 69
97. Identification of timber and other wood products. Proposed amendments to the Draft Decisions (submitted by Canada, the Unites States of America and Mexico)
Doc. 44.2
98. CITES and livelihoods. A critical review of CoP18 Doc. 14 (submitted by the USA)
Doc. 14
99. International trade in non-CITES listed marine ornamental fish (submitted by the Secretariat)
Doc. 80
100. Sponsored Delegates Project
Doc. 7.6
101. Rapid assessment risk matrix for Appendix I-listed taxa (submitted by the Secretariat)
Agenda item 11
102. Botswana Elephant Management Plan and Action Plan 2021-2026 (submitted by Botswana)
Prop. 4 and 5, Agenda items 14 and 66