This pilot edition of the World Wildlife Trade Report, officially launched in Panama in November 2022 during the CITES CoP19, presents for the first time in the history of the Convention, an overview of the legal wildlife trade that embraces the ecological, social and economic dimensions of sustainability. It provides an overview of international trade in CITES-listed species of animals and plants from many angles, including the routes, scale and patterns of the trade, the values and conservation and socio-economic impacts of such trade as well as the linkages between legal and illegal trade. |
Checklist of CITES Species – 2013 The Checklist of CITES species provides the official alphabetical list of CITES species, their scientific synonyms, their common names in English, French and Spanish (to the extent that these were available to the compilers) and an indication of the Appendix in which they are listed. It also indicates the original listing date of all taxa (orders, families, genera, species, subspecies) and populations specifically named in the current or past Appendices, all reservations ever made by Parties, with the dates on which they entered into force and, in the case of past reservations, the dates on which they were withdrawn. The 2013 edition has been extensively revised and includes the changes to standard nomenclature and to the Appendices adopted at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Bangkok, 2013). Available exclusively on the Internet, the Checklist can be searched online, printed off as a PDF in two volumes (the Index of CITES species and the History of CITES listings), or downloaded in other formats that are suitable for use with data and information systems: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and CSV (Comma-Separated Values). Users can query the Checklist and retrieve information according to different criteria, including by CITES Appendix, region, country or territory, or any combination thereof. It is also possible to tailor the PDF outputs of the Index of CITES species to contain all records held in the database or any subset selected by the user. The history of listing is displayed on screen for each taxon and can be printed off in one single document covering all taxa. The new platform the Checklist is based on also makes it possible to update it in real time, for instance to reflect amendments to Appendix III or changes to reservations made between meetings of the Conference of the Parties. Users can thus be ensured of always having access to up-to-date data. This publication should be particularly useful to CITES Management and Scientific Authorities, Customs officials and all others involved in implementing and enforcing the Convention. |
CITES Trade: a snap shot This brochure includes snapshots of the analyses made, and the trade value and trends of key commodities of Appendix II species. It also presents many of the trends graphically, thereby giving readers a better grasp on the extent and importance of the Convention in the conservation and sustainable use of species. |
CITES - Hope for a sustainable future This brochure was prepared for the celebration of the World wildlife day. |
The Evolution of CITES (11th edition) By Willem Wijnstekers This publication is now available here for downloading in PDF format. |
Identification Manual – Fauna and Flora
The Identification Manual is a collection of online data sheets designed to help identify various species of fauna and flora with drawings (black and white), maps and concise descriptions. It is a useful tool for Management and Scientific Authorities, Customs officials, and all others involved in implementing and enforcing CITES. |
Identification guide for ivory and ivory substitutes This publication is available as PDF file (946 KB). Click here to view or download it. |
CITES Posters CITES Poster #1: “Travelling abroad or visiting Canada?” CITES Poster #2: “Travelling with your exotic pet?” Posters can be ordered, at no cost, by emailing: [email protected] . Please indicate which poster you wish to receive ("Travelling with your exotic pet") along with your name, the name of your organization, mailing address and the number of posters you are ordering.
CITES World CITES World is a biannual newsletter published by the CITES Secretariat as an official newsletter of the Parties. The newsletter is available on this site in PDF format. |
MEA Bulleltin The MEA Bulletin is a publication created by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme’s Division for Environmental Law and Conventions (UNEP DELC) The Bulletin is available on the IISD website in PDF format. |
Piante Grasse
(publication of the “Associazione Italiana Amatori delle piante Succulente”) Volume 9 Volume 12 Volume 9 (in English only) is a handbook for the identification of the Cactaceae included in CITES Appendix I; Volume 12 (in Italian and English) includes succulents as well. The purpose of these publications is to facilitate their identification by Customs officers or other border inspectors. It can also help collectors to identify the rare species so that they can avoid purchasing specimens of wild origin. |
The Birds of CITES and How to Identify Them ISBN 0 7188 28915, 1993, 300 x 210mm, 201 pp, USD 37.50, GBP 25 >> Order |
The CITES Nile Crocodile Project Presents the findings of a survey of the Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus, in six east/central African countries and Madagascar conducted in 1987-1989. The project was designed to give assistance to countries that had started to use their crocodile resources and were looking to continue exploitation through ranching. ISBN 2-88323-004-8, 1992, 240 x 165mm, 214pp, USD37.5/GBP25 >>Order |
The green turtle and hawksbill (Reptilia: Cheloniidae): This publication is the report of a project to collect data relating to the world status, exploitation and trade of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and to make recommendations relating to their management for consideration by CITES Parties. ISBN 2-88323-0013, 1989, 240 x 165mm, 601 pp., USD56.25/GBP37.50 >>Order |
Les varans africains – Données de synthèse sur leur biologie et leur exploitation This publication contains the results of a study of the exploitation of the African monitors in various countries, and includes a look at the economic and ecological aspects of the problem. In French only. ISBN 2-88323-005-6, 1993, 240 x 165 mm, 162pp., GBP15, USD22.50 >>Order |
Asian Monitor Lizards
R. Luxmoore and B. Groombridge A review of the distribution, status, exploitation and trade in the following four species: Varanus bengalensis, V. griseus, V. flavescens and V. salvator. ISBN 2-88323-002-1, 1990, 240 x 165 mm, vii + 195pp., USD37.50, GBP25 >> Order |
Pythons in South-East Asia This book is a review of the distribution, status and trade in three taxa: Python curtus, P. molurus bivittatus and P. reticulatus. It includes a series of recommendations to improve their chances of survival. ISBN 2-88323-003-X, 1991, 240 x 165 mm, 127pp., GBP10, USD15 >> Order |
Proceedings of the 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (Gigiri, 2000) These Proceedings give a complete account of the 11th meeting of Conference of the Parties. They include: the documents that were prepared for the meetings; the minutes of all the sessions; and the results of the meetings, i.e. Resolutions, Decisions and amendments to the Appendices. Proceedings of previous meetings of the Conference of the Parties are also on sale. Two volumes, 205 x 290 mm, 574 pp (volume I) and 940 pp (volume II) , USD90, GBP60 |
WTO-CITES co-publication marks 20 years of cooperation on sustainable development The relationship between the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is a leading example of how global trade and environmental regimes can support each other and cooperate successfully to achieve shared goals, says a new publication launched by the WTO and CITES on 22 June 2015.
CITES and the WTO: Enhancing Cooperation for Sustainable Development was launched by WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo and CITES Secretary-General John E. Scanlon at the WTO's headquarters in Geneva today.
Other publications |
Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit The Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit was prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with the support of the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the World Bank and the World Customs Organization. Together all five agencies form the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC). |
Live Animals Regulations Manual New edition published annually Recommended by CITES and recognized as the international standard for transport of animals by air, the IATA Live Animals Regulations (LAR) is an essential source of information on how to ship animals safely, humanely and cost-effectively. It specifies the minimum requirements for the international transport of animals, and indicates what precautions airlines, shippers, cargo agents and animal-care professionals should take on the ground and in the air. The LAR can be ordered here and is available in both book (English only) and CD-ROM format (English, French and Spanish). |
New edition published annually Recommended by CITES, the Perishable Cargo Manual is the reference guide for the preparation, packaging and handling of perishable goods to be transported by air. This manual has a special section about requirements and instructions for plants transportation, including cooling, shipping temperatures and storage guidelines. The PCM is available in English only and can be ordered here in book and CD-ROM format. |
CITES Identification Guides Environment Canada, the CITES Management Authority for Canada, has developed CITES Identification Guides on amphibians; birds; crocodilians; turtles and tortoises; butterflies; sturgeons and paddlefish; tropical wood; and hunting trophies for individuals responsible for enforcing CITES. They provide in English, French and Spanish, detailed information for the identification of species protected under CITES and, in some cases, look-alike species that are not protected. These guides can be downloaded here. |
Kew Garden CITES references for plants Kew Garden coordinates the production of standard CITES references for plants. The checklists are produced by using an international panel of experts on the plants concerned, and are adopted as standard references by the Conference of the Parties to CITES. To date Kew Garden has developed CITES checklists for: orchids (five volumes published to date); bulb plants (Appendix-II genera Cyclamen, Galanthus and Sternbergia); cacti (second edition); Aloe and Pachypodium; succulents; and carnivorous plants; as well as a user guide on CITES and plants. You can download these publications or order the hard copies online. |
CITES and CBNRM: Proceedings of an international symposium on “The relevance of CBNRM to the conservation and sustainable use of CITES-listed species in exporting countries” This is a compilation of the proceedings of a symposium on community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) for the conservation of CITES-listed species which was organized by the Austrian Ministry of the Environment and the European Commission in Vienna, Austria, in May 2010. ISBN 978-1-84369-827-7, 2011, 160pp |
Regulatory transparency in multilateral agreements controlling exports of tropical timber, e-waste and conflict diamonds OECD Trade Policy Working Paper no. 141 by Robert Wolfe and Shane Baddeley |