Bangkok (Thailand), 2-14 October 2004 Conf. 13.1 Financing and budgeting of the Secretariat and of meetings of the Conference of the Parties Conf. 13.2 Sustainable use of biodiversity: Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines Conf. 13.3 Cooperation and synergy with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Conf. 13.4 Conservation of and trade in great apes Conf. 13.5 Establishment of export quotas for black rhinoceros hunting trophies Conf. 13.6 Implementation of Article VII, paragraph 2, concerning 'pre-Convention’ specimens Conf. 13.7 Control of trade in personal and household effects Conf. 13.8 Participation of observers at meetings of the Conference of the Parties Conf. 13.9 Encouraging cooperation between Parties with ex situ breeding operations and those with in situ conservation programmes Conf. 13.10 Trade in alien invasive species Conf. 13.11 Bushmeat