Resources for implementation: Sustainability

Parties must Determine that proposed trade will not be detrimental to the survival of the species, through scientific assessments of the status of the species in the national/regional territory (called ‘non-detriment findings’ or ‘NDFs’ in CITES).

  • CITES-FAO PowerPoint presentation on Non-detriment findings
  • Training materials on non-detriment findings in the CITES Virtual College

Shark NDF Guidance documents 
Developed by German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (CITES Scientific Authority) 

In March 2013 the 16th Conference of the Parties adopted the inclusion of five new shark species in Appendix II of CITES. As a follow-up in the same year the German Scientific Authority (Fauna) to CITES commissioned a project to develop a method to carry out non-detriment findings (NDFs) for shark species. The resulting report "CITES Non-detriment Findings - Guidance for Shark species" has been initially presented to the 27th Meeting of the Animals Committee in May 2014. This guidance was evaluated and tested by shark and CITES experts during a workshop convened at the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in Bonn/Germany in August 2014. Based on the results of the workshop the initial guidance has been revised and an updated version produced. This revised version has also been translated into Spanish.

The German Scientific Authority to CITES (Fauna) ([email protected], [email protected]) would welcome any comments to the revised version, especially with regard to experiences made when using the guidance to carry out non-detriment findings for specific shark stocks.

  • CITES Non-detriment Findings - Guidance for Shark species, 2014, 1st version (AC Inf Document E-AC27-Inf-01)
  • Report of the German Workshop to Review the Shark NDF Guidance (PDF) 
  • CITES Non-detriment Findings - Guidance for Shark species, 2014, 2nd, revised (PDF)
  • CITES DENP Guia Tiburones, 2014, 2° version (PDF)


Other resources

Examples of NDFs for marine species

Taxa Country Doc (Annexes) Summary
Arapaima Brazil WG8-CS1 WG8-CS1-S
Anguilla anguilla (European eel) Sweden WG8-CS2 (Annex) WG8-CS2-S
Cheilinus undulates (Napoleon fish) Indonesia WG8-CS3 WG8-CS3-S
Hippocampus spp (Seahorses) --- WG8-CS4 WG8-CS4-S
Sturgeons --- WG8-CS5 (Annex) WG8-CS5-S
Black coral (Anthipatharia) Hawaii WG9-CS1 (Annex) WG9-CS1-S
Tridacnidae (Giant clams) Palau WG9-CS2 WG9-CS2-S
Strombus gigas (Queen conch) Colombia WG9-CS3 (Annex) WG9-CS3-S
Queensland coral fishery Australia WG9-CS4 (Annex) WG9-CS4-S
Stony corals (Scleractinia) Indonesia WG9-CS5 (Annex) WG9-CS5-S