Sharks and rays

Approximately 400 species of sharks are found in the world. Sharks were first included in Appendix II of CITES in February 2003, after the Conference of the Parties to CITES decided at its 12th meeting to… See more

Resolutions and Decisions

Relevant documents


Deep diving into shark catch and trade mismatches - report prepared under Decision 19.223 paragraph c)

Workshop on Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction

  • Background document to the technical workshop on Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction
  • Report of the CITES Technical Workshop on Non-detriment findings for specimens of Appendix-II species taken from areas beyond national jurisdiction

Workshop on Aquatic species listed in the CITES Appendices


Projects and activities

EU project (second phase)

The EU has continued to support CITES-related activities over the years. The EU contribution of 900,000 EUR has now been confirmed for the second phase (2017-2020) of the… See more

Other Tools and Resources