back Mombasa, Kenya 23-25 June 2008| Title / Document 1. Provisional agenda 2. The development of an African Elephant Action Plan 3. The Afrcian Elephant Fund 4. The Status of Africa's Elephants: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities for Their Convervation and Management 5. CITES decisions on elephants in effect after the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties 6. Progress in the Implementation of MIKE in Africa 7. Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP14) - Trade in elephant specimens 8. SC57 Doc. 33.2 - Control of Trade in Elephant Ivory 9. SC57 Doc. 33.3 - Control of Trade in African elephant action plan and African Elephant Fund 10. SC57 Doc. 33.5 - Constitution of a MIKE-ETIS Subgroup 11. SC57 Inf. 13 - Meeting note/Note verbale 12. Meeting note/Note verbale 13. List of participants