Twenty-seventh meeting of the Plants Committee

Geneva, Switzerland, 08 - 13 July 2024

Information documents

(All documents are provided here in PDF format)

Title Files Referenced agenda item Created / Updated
1. NON-DETRIMENT FINDINGS – Update on the 9-Steps NDF Guidance for Plants (submitted by Germany)
2. Overview of species under review (submitted by Indonesia)
AC33 Agenda item 45.1 and PC27 Agenda item 33.1
3. Annotated agenda (submitted by the Secretariat)
4. Responses to the CITES Plants Committee's recommendation on Ghana's NDF on Pterocarpus erinaceus (submitted by Ghana)
5. Sierra Leone's response to the clarifications requested from the North American region and Europe representatives of the Plants Committee (submitted by Sierra Leone)
6. Development of a guidance document for resource assessments of CITES-listed plant species - update on progress (submitted by Germany)
7. Increasing globalisation of croaker (Sciaenidae) fish maw trade is threatening target species and vulnerable bycatch (submitted by the United States of America)
8. Conservation status, trade and threats to the genus Boswellia (Frankincense) - Update on the project (submitted by Switzerland)
9. Musical instruments and Paubrasilia echinata (submitted by the United States of America)
10. Evaluation of CITES-listed timber imports into the European Union - Discussion of the evaluation criteria under consideration (submitted by the European Union and its Member States)
11. Additional information on Aquilaria malaccensis in Indonesia & Clarification of the apparent quota excesses in 2021-2022 of Gyrinops spp. (submitted by Indonesia)
12. Addressing gaps in the IUCN Red List for CITES-listed plant species (submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
13. Plan de acción para la adecuada implementación de la inclusión del shihuahuaco (género Dipteryx) y tahuarí (género Handroanthus) en el Apéndice II de la CITES, años 2023 y 2024 (presentado por Perú)
14. A Guide to the application of CITES source codes (submitted by the Republic of Korea)
15. Notification letter on zero quota for Gyrinops spp. deriving from living trees from Indonesia (submitted by Indonesia
16. Sustainable management in tropical rainforests: practices and principles (submitted by Cameroon)
12 and 14
17. Products containing specimens of Appendix-II orchids (Orchidaceae spp.) (submitted by China)