Russian Federation

Disclamer: All the information contained in the page is based on information provided by the Parties.

Exemptions and special procedures For more on this topic, click here

Use of phytosanitary certificates as certificates of artificial propagation Not allowed

Permit Information

This information is not available to the public. Please contact us for more information.

Use of security stamps For more on this topic, click here

Required Yes

Export quotas

Year Species App. Quotas Unit Source code Specimen type Publication date
2024 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii† 0 - W Caviar (Caspian Sea)
2024 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii† 0 - W Caviar (Azov Sea)
2024 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii† 0 - W Meat (Azov Sea)
2024 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii† 0 - W Meat (Caspian Sea)
2023 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii† 0 - W Meat (Azov Sea)


    Code Address Exporter Processing/Repackaging
    Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation
    12, Rozhdestvensky Blvd
    Postal code
    +7(495) 987-06-32, +7(495) 987-05-64
    +7(495) 624-11-39
    Yes Yes
    Karon TM, LLC, Astrakhan
    Caviar plant No. 1
    No Yes
    Russian Caviar, JSC, Astrakhan
    Caviar plant No. 7
    No Yes
    Delta Plus, Astrakhan
    Fish-proceeding shop No. 1
    No Yes
    Code Address
    Date of establishment
    Date of CITES registration
    Breeding Center of Rare Species of Birds Vitasfera Ltd.
    Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Sarychev Evgeny
    Slobodino 140170 Moscow
    +79 2611 26035
    Species bred
    Falco peregrinus
    Falco rusticolus
    Origin of stock
    Specimens confiscated, taken from the wild, ranched and bred in captivity / Especímenes confiscados, capturados en la naturaleza, criados en granjas o en cautividad / Spécimens confisqués, prélevés dans la nature, élevés en ranch ou en captivité.
    Marking of specimens
    All specimens marked with identification bands / Todos los especímenes se marcan con anillas de identificación / Tous les spécimens sont marqués au moyen de bagues d’identification.

    Technical assistance

    ICCWC link

    ICCWC aims to enhance the capacity and compliment the efforts of national wildlife law enforcement agencies and sub-regional and regional networks that on a daily basis act to combat the illegal trafficking in wild fauna and flora.

    MIKE link

    The CITES Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) Programme is a site-based system designed to monitor trends in the illegal killing of elephants, build management capacity and provide information to help range States make appropriate management and enforcement decisions.

    CTSP link

    The CITES tree species programme aims to provide direct financial assistance to Parties in taking conservation and management measures to ensure that their trade in timber, bark, extracts and other products from CITES-listed tree species is sustainable, legal and traceable.