Netherlands - National authorities

National contacts

    Management authorities

    Permit section (for all correspondence on permit issues)/ Sección de permisos (para toda correspondencia sobre permisos)/ Section des permis (pour toute correspondance relative aux permis) The Netherlands (European continent)

    1. CITES-bureau

    Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (
    088 042 42 42
    +31 (70) 379 80 00 (from abroad/desde el extranjero/de l'étranger)
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 19530
    NL-2500 CM The Hague
    Last update
    15 October 2019

    Policy section (for all official correspondence, except regarding permits) / Sección de políticas (para toda correspondencia oficial, salvo la relacionada con los permisos)/ Section des politiques (pour toute correspondance officielle sauf celle relative aux permis) The Netherlands (European continent)

    2. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

    Nature and Biodiversity Department
    +31 (70) 378 55 87
    +31 (70) 378 61 46
    Contact people
    Attn: Ms. Marijke Langeveld – National Coordinator CITES
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 20401
    NL-2500 EK Den Haag
    Website info:
    1. General information / Informacíon general / Informations générales
    2. Policy matters / Cuestiones normativas / Politique générale
    Last update
    15 October 2019

    Saint Eustatius

    3. Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland Sint-Eustatius

    Mazinga complex A,B
    Fort Oranjestraat
    +599 318 33 70
    Last update
    18 March 2014

    Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (Caribbean Netherlands)

    4. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

    Nature and Biodiversity Department
    +31 (70) 378 55 87
    +31 (70) 378 61 46
    Contact people
    Attn: Ms. Marijke Langeveld – National Coordinator CITES
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 20401
    NL-2500 EK Den Haag
    Website info:
    1. General information / Informacíon general / Informations générales
    2. Policy matters / Cuestiones normativas / Politique générale
    Last update
    15 October 2019


    5. Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland Saba

    The Bottom
    +599 416 39 34
    Last update
    18 March 2014

    Permit section ( Issuing Authority)

    6. CITES - bureau

    Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland
    +31 (88) 042 42 42
    +31 (70) 379 80 00 (from abroad/desde el extranjero/de l'étranger)
    Mailing address
    P.O: Box 19530
    NL-2500 CM The Hague
    Last update
    15 October 2019


    7. Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland Bonaire

    Kaya International z/n
    +599 715 83 33
    +599 717 83 30
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 357
    Last update
    18 March 2014



    8. Aruba Management Authority

    Veterinary Services
    +297 (58) 5 04 00
    +297 (58) 5 18 28
    Mailing address
    Barcadera 1
    Last update
    18 March 2014

    Other Management Authorities competent to grant permits / Otras Autoridades Administrativas competentes para conceder permisos / Autres organes de gestion compétents pour délivrer les permis

    For cultivated plants of the following species, insofar as a phytosanitary certificate may be used as an export permit / para las siguientes plantas cultivadas, siempre que se pueda utilizar un certificado fitosanitario como permiso de exportación / pour les plantes cultivées des espèces suivantes, dans la mesure où un certificat phytosanitaire peut être utilisé en tant que permis d'exportation:

    ◘ APOCYNACEAE: Pachypodium spp

    ◘ CACTACEAE: All species listed in Appendix II / Todas las especies incluidas en el Apéndice II / Toutes les espèces inscrites à l'Annexe II

    ◘ DROSERACEAE: Only / solamente / seulement Dionaea muscipula

    ◘ EUPHORBIACEAE: All succulent species listed in Appendix II except Euphorbia handiensis, Euphorbia lambii and Euphorbia stygiana / Todas las especies suculentas incluidas en el Apéndice II a excepción de Euphorbia handiensis, Euphorbia lambii y Euphorbia stygiana / Toutes les espèces succulentes inscrites à l'Annexe II sauf Euphorbia handiensis, Euphorbia lambii et Euphorbia stygiana

    ◘ LILIACEAE: All Aloe species listed in Appendix II / Todas las especies de Aloe incluidas en el Apéndice II / Toutes les espèces du genre Aloe inscrites à l'Annexe II

    ◘ NEPENTHACEAE: All Nepenthes species listed in Appendix II / Todas las especies del género Nepenthes incluidas en el Apéndice II / Toutes les espèces du genre Nepenthes inscrites à l'Annexe II

    ◘ ORCHIDACEAE: All Paphiopedilum hybrids and all species listed in Appendix II except Cephalanthera cucullata, Cypripedium calceolus, Goodyera macrophylla, Liparis loeselii, Ophrys argolica, Ophrys lunulata, Orchis scopulorum and Spiranthes aestivalis / Todos les híbridos de Paphiopidilum y todas las especies incluidas en el Apéndice II a excepción de Cephalanthera cucullata, Cypripedium calceolus, Goodyera macrophylla, Liparis loeselii, Ophrys argolica, Ophrys lunulata, Orchis scopulorum y Spiranthes aestivalis / Tous les hybrides de Paphiopedilum et toutes les espèces inscrites à l'Annexe II sauf Cephalanthera cucullata, Cypripedium calceolus, Goodyera macrophylla, Liparis loeselii, Ophrys argolica, Ophrys lunulata, Orchis scopulorum et Spiranthes aestivalis.

    ◘SARRACENIACEAE: All Sarracenia species listed in Appendix II / Todas las especies de Sarracenia incluidas en el Apéndice II / Toutes les espèces du genre Sarracenia inscrites à l'Annexe II

    9. Nederlandse Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit

    Hoofdkantoor NVWA Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority)
    +31 (88) 223 33 33 (8.30 tot 17.00 uur)
    +31 (88) 223 33 34
    Mailing address
    catharijnesingel 59
    P.O. Box 43006
    NL-3540 AA Utrecht
    Last update
    13 April 2018

    10. Directeur van de Directie Landbouw, Veeteelt en Visserij (Director of the Directorate of Agriculture, Cattle-breeding and Fishery)

    +297 (58) 5 81 02
    5 64 73
    +297 (58) 5 56 39
    Mailing address
    Piedra Plat 114-A
    Santa Cruz
    Last update
    18 March 2014

    Sint Maarten (Dutch part) / San Martín (parte neerlandesa) / Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise)

    11. Nature Foundation St Maarten

    +721 544 42 67
    +721 544 42 68
    Last update
    08 October 2015


    12. Curacao Government

    Ministry of Health, Environment and Nature
    +599 973 814 66
    +599 973 734 66
    Mailing address
    Klein Kwartier 33
    Last update
    14 February 2014

    The Netherlands (European continent)

    1. Scientific Authority CITES Netherlands

    +31 (70) 379 88 25
    Contact people
    Secretariat: Mr. Pieter Joop
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 20401
    NL-2500 EK The Hague (b-noord 5)
    Last update
    15 October 2019

    Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba

    2. Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity (CARMABI)

    +599 462 42 42
    +599 462 76 80
    Mailing address
    Piscaderabaai z/n
    P.O. Box 2090
    Last update
    14 February 2014

    Aruba Fauna

    3. The Head of the Veterinary Services

    +297 (58) 5 04 00
    +297 (58) 5 18 28
    Mailing address
    Barcadera 1
    Last update
    17 March 2014


    4. The Director of the Directorate of Agriculture, Cattle-breeding and Fishery

    +297 (58) 5 81 02
    5 64 73
    +297 (58) 5 56 39
    Mailing address
    Piedra Plat 114-A
    Santa Cruz
    Last update
    24 March 2015


    6. Curacao Government

    Ministry Health, Environment and Nature
    +599 973 814 66
    +599 973 734 66
    Mailing address
    Klein Kwartier 33
    Last update
    14 February 2014

    1. National Police Agency

    DLIO Department - Environmental team
    +31 (0) 88 662 92 93
    Contact people
    Attn: René Paaij
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 100
    Postbus 100, 3970 AC, Driebergen
    Last update
    15 October 2019

    2. National Police Agency

    DLIO Department - Environmental team
    +31 (88) 662 92 93
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 100
    Postbus 100, 3970 AC, Driebergen
    Last update
    15 October 2019

    4. Customs Information Center (Douane Informatie Centrum, DIC)

    Helpdesk DIC
    +31 (88) 151 43 99
    Mailing address
    Laan op Zuid 391
    Postbus 70005
    NL-3072 DB Rotterdam
    Last update
    26 February 2014

    5. National Public Prosecutor's Office for Serious Fraud and Environmental Crime

    +31 (88) 699 24 00
    Contact people
    Attn: Cathelijne M.E Schoonenberg - Policy advisor CITES
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 779
    NL-1000 AT Amsterdam
    Last update
    14 February 2014

    6. National Public Prosecutor's Office for Serious Fraud and Environmental Crime

    +31 (88) 699 24 00
    Contact people
    Attn: Betty H.H.M Beune - Public Prosecutor
    Mailing address
    P.O. Box 779
    NL-1000 AT Amsterdam
    Last update
    14 February 2014