
Recommendation to suspend trade

Scope Compliance matter Link to notification Valid from
All commercial trade National legislation

National legislation status

Category Progress summary Next steps Last update

Subject to a recommendation to suspend commercial trade since 15 March 2016. New wildlife legislation enacted by Parliament and submitted to the Secretariat. Revised draft amendment to the National Wildlife Conservation and Protected Area Management Law prepared and submitted to the Secretariat. Comments provided by the Secretariat in Oct. 2021. A revised draft was submitted to the Secretariat in August 2023. The Secretariat reviewed the draft and provided additional guidance. Draft currently pending with the Liberian Legislature.  Legislation placed in Category 2 at SC77.

Submission and adoption of the Amendments by the Liberian Parliament. Agreement between LR and Secretariat on revised legislative analysis including possible Category 1 status. The draft contains the minimum requirements for inclusion in Category 1.

Nov. 2023


Date of issue Status Information Files


2023/134 - Illegal trade in African great apes


2018/012 - LIBERIA – Maintenance of a recommendation to suspend trade

Annual reports

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Trade suspension