Republic of Korea

Official name Region ISO 3166-2 code Flag
Republic of Korea

Party status

Type Party status Date of joining Entry into force
Party Accession 09 July 1993 07 October 1993

National contacts

    Management authorities

    1. Ministry of Environment

    Biodiversity Division
    +82 (44) 201 72 44
    +82 (44) 201 72 61
    Mailing address
    Government Complex – Sejong
    Building #6
    11 Doum 6-ro
    Sejong 30103

    Under the Ministry of Environment (CITES Management Authority), seven regional environmental offices are responsible for the issues regarding CITES permits. The requisite forms to apply for the permit can be found on the following regional environmental offices' websites:

    • -Han River Basin Environmental Office
    • -Geum River Basin Environmental Office
    • -Nakdong River Basin Environmental Office
    • -Yeongsan River Basin Environmental Office
    • -Wonju Regional Environmental Office
    • -Daegu Regional Environmental Office
    • -Jeonbuk Regional Environmental Office

      The email address [email protected] is the primary contact for the Management Authority of Korea for the CITES Agreement.
    Last update
    23 October 2020

    Main branch offices of this Management Authority

    2. Han River Basin Environmental Office

    +82 (31) 790 28 48
    +82 (31) 790 28 49
    Mailing address
    229, Misagangbyeonhangang-ro
    Hanman-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12902

    Areas of responsibilities: Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi-do Province.

    Last update
    12 April 2023

    3. Geum River Basin Environmental Office

    +82 (42) 865 07 44
    +82 (42) 865 07 49
    Mailing address
    417, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, 34142

    Areas of responsibilities: Daejeon, Sejong, Chungcheongbuk-do Province, and Chungcheongnam-do Province

    Last update
    04 January 2023

    4. Nakdong River Basin Environmental Office

    +82 (55) 211 16 32
    +82 (55) 211 16 05
    Mailing address
    5, Jungang-daero 250beon-gil, Uichang-gu,
    Chang won-si, Gyeong sang nam do, 51439

    Areas of responsibilities: Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do Province

    Last update
    04 January 2023

    5. Yeongsan River Basin Environmental Office

    +82 (62) 410 52 24
    Mailing address
    31, Gyesu-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangiu, 61945

    Areas of responsibilities: Gwangju, Jeollanam-do Province, and Jeju Island

    Last update
    04 January 2023

    6. Wonju Regional Environmental Office

    +82 (33) 760 60 61
    +82 (33) 765 13 26
    Mailing address
    65, Ipchun-ro, Wonju-si,
    Gwangwon-do, 26461

    Areas of responsibilities: Gangwon-do Province, and Chungcheongbuk-do Province

    Last update
    04 January 2023

    7. Daegu Regional Environmental Office

    +82 (53) 230 64 59
    +82 (53) 643 77 93
    Mailing address
    301, Hwaam-ro, Dalseo-gu,
    Daegu, 42768

    Areas of responsibilities: Daegu, and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province

    Last update
    04 January 2023

    8. Jeonbuk Regional Environmental Office

    +82 (63) 238 8853
    +82 (63) 238 8859
    Mailing address
    120, Anjeon-ro, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, 54812, Republic of Korea

    Areas of responsibilities: Jeollabuk-do Province

    Authorities competent to issue phytosanitary certificates / Autoridades competentes para conceder certificados fitosanitarios / Autorités compétentes pour délivrer des certificats phytosanitaires

    as certificates of artificial propagation in the sense of Article VII, paragraph 5, of the Convention, for the export of artificially propagated specimens of species included in Appendix II and of artificially propagated hybrids derived from one or more unannotated Appendix-I species [cf. Resolution Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP13), third DETERMINES, paragraph b) iii)] / como certificados de reproduccíon artificial, en el sentido en que se especifica en el párrafo 5 del Artículo VII de la Convención, para la exportación especímenes reproducidos artificialmente de especies incluidas en el Apéndice II y de híbridos reproducidos artificialmente derivados de una o más especies del Apéndice I que no hayan sido objeto de anotaciones [véase la Resolución Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP13), párrafo b) iii) del tercero DETERMINA] / en tant que certificats de reproduction artificielle, conformément à l'Article VII, paragraphe 5, de la Convention, pour l'exportation de spécimens reproduits artificiellement des espèces inscrites à l'Annexe II et d'hybrides reproduits artificiellement issus d'une ou plusieurs espèces inscrites à l'Annexe I sans y être annotée [voir résolution Conf. 11.11 (Rev. CoP13), paragraphe b) iii) du troisième ETABLIT]

    National Plant Quarantine Service - Incheon International Airport Office - Gimpo Airport Branch Office - Jungbu Regional Office - Seoul Customs House Branch Office - Seoul International Post Office Branch - Anyang Branch Office - Pyeongtaek Branch Office - Sokcho Branch Office - Cheongju Branch Office - Cheonan Branch Office - Yeongnam Regional Office - Jaseongdae Branch Office - Sinseondae Branch Office - Daegu Branch Office - Gumi Branch Office - Ulsan Branch Office - Gimhae International Airport Branch Office - Masan Branch Office - Sasang Branch Office - Yangsan Branch Office - Honam Regional Office - Gwangju Branch Office - Mokpo Branch Office - Gwangyang Branch Office - Jeju Regional Office - Jeju International Airport Branch Office

    The measure applies to the export of artificially propagated plants of the following Appendix II taxa: Cactaceae spp., Cycadaceae spp., Aloe spp., Oncidium spp. and Phalaenopsis spp.

    Last update
    23 November 2023

    Species used for medical purposes / Especies utilizadas con fines médicos / Espèces utilisées à des fins médicales

    9. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

    Herbal Medicine Policy Division
    +82 (43) 719 33 56
    +82 (43) 719 33 50
    Mailing address
    187, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro,
    Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu
    Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 28159
    Last update
    04 January 2023

    Fauna and Flora (except for medical purposes) / Fauna y Flora (excepto para fines medicales) / Faune et Flore (sauf à des fins medicales)

    1. National Institute of Biological Resources

    Biodiversity Research and Cooperation Division
    +82 (32) 590 7210
    +82 (32) 590 8230
    Mailing address
    42, Hwangyeong-ro
    Seo-gu, Incheon, 22689
    Last update
    13 February 2023

    Fauna and Flora for medical purposes / Fauna y Flora para fines medicales / Fauna et Flora à des fins médicales

    2. National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation

    Herbal Medicine Reseach Division
    +82 (43) 719 48 07
    +82 (43) 719 48 00
    Mailing address
    187, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro
    Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu
    Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 28159
    Last update
    04 January 2023

    Cetacea, Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii, Sarcopterygii, Mollusca, Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, Annelida

    3. National Institute of Fisheries Science

    Distant Water Fisheries Resources Research Division
    +82 (51) 720 23 32
    +82 (51) 720 23 37
    Mailing address
    216, Gijanghaean-ro, Gijang-eup
    Gijang-gun, Busan, 46083
    Last update
    23 October 2020


    4. East Sea Fisheries Research Institute

    Cetacean Research Institute
    +82 (52) 270 09 40
    +82 (52) 270 09 13
    Contact people
    National Institute of Fisheries Science
    Mailing address
    250, Jangsaengpogorae-ro
    Nam-gu, Ulsan, 44780
    Last update
    23 October 2020

    1. Korea Customs Service

    International Investigation Team
    +82 (2) 510 16 48
    +82 (2) 512-75 39
    Mailing address
    Building 1, Government Complex-Daejeon
    189, Cheongsa-ro, Seo-gu
    Daejeon, 35208
    Last update
    08 December 2015

    2. Supreme Prosecutors’ Office

    Criminal Division Two
    +82 (2) 3480 27 48
    +82 (2) 3480 27 16
    Mailing address
    157, Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu
    Seoul, 06590
    Last update
    08 December 2015