The Natural History Museum,
Type of services: Taxonomic Reference, Species Conservation Research
Contact: Dr Sarah Long, Head of Registry
Disclamer: All the information contained in the page is based on information provided by the Parties.
Info | Species | Note | Valid from |
Appendix III |
Kingdom Fauna (Animals) |
Phylum Chordata |
Class Mammalia(MAMMALS) |
Order Carnivora |
Family CanidaeDogs, foxes, wolves |
Vulpes vulpes griffithi (India) |
17 May 1989 |
Vulpes vulpes montana (India) |
17 May 1989 |
Vulpes vulpes pusilla (India) |
17 May 1989 |
Family MustelidaeBadgers, martens, otters, weasels, etc. |
Subfamily MustelinaeGrisons, honey badgers, martens, tayra, weasels |
Mustela altaica (India) |
11 August 2000 |
Mustela erminea ferghanae (India) |
17 May 1989 |
Mustela kathiah (India) |
11 August 2000 |
Mustela sibirica (India) |
11 August 2000 |
Class Aves |
Order Passeriformes |
Family AlaudidaeLarks |
Alauda arvensis (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Galerida cristata (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Lullula arborea (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Melanocorypha calandra (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Family EmberizidaeCardinals, tanagers |
Emberiza citrinella (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Emberiza hortulana (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Melopyrrha nigra (Cuba) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Tiaris canorus (Cuba) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family FringillidaeFinches |
Carduelis cannabina (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Carduelis carduelis (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Carduelis flammea (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Carduelis hornemanni (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Carduelis spinus (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Carpodacus erythrinus (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Serinus serinus (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Family MuscicapidaeOld-world flycatchers |
Erithacus rubecula (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Ficedula parva (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Hippolais icterina (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Luscinia luscinia (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Luscinia megarhynchos (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Luscinia svecica (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Monticola saxatilis (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Sylvia atricapilla (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Sylvia borin (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Sylvia curruca (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Sylvia nisoria (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Turdus merula (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Turdus philomelos (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Family OriolidaeOrioles |
Oriolus oriolus (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Family ParidaeTits |
Parus ater (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Family TroglodytidaeWrens |
Troglodytes troglodytes (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Class Reptilia |
Order Sauria |
Family AgamidaeSpiny-tailed lizards, agamas |
Calotes ceylonensis (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Calotes desilvai (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Calotes liocephalus (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Calotes liolepis (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Calotes manamendrai (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Calotes nigrilabris (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Calotes pethiyagodai (Sri Lanka) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Ctenophorus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Intellagama spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tympanocryptis spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Family EublepharidaeEyelid geckos |
Goniurosaurus kuroiwae #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Goniurosaurus orientalis #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Goniurosaurus sengokui #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Goniurosaurus splendens #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Goniurosaurus toyamai #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Goniurosaurus yamashinae #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
02 March 2021 |
Family GekkonidaeGeckos |
Ailuronyx spp. (Seychelles) |
(This reservation applies to Northern Ireland, the Bailiwick of Guernsey and Montserrat.) |
25 November 2024 |
Carphodactylus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Nephrurus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Orraya spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Phyllurus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Saltuarius spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Strophurus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Underwoodisaurus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Uvidicolus spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Family ScincidaeSkinks |
Egernia spp. (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tiliqua multifasciata (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tiliqua nigrolutea (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tiliqua occipitalis (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tiliqua rugosa (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Australia) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Order SerpentesSnakes |
Family ViperidaeVipers |
Daboia palaestinae (Israel) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
04 May 2023 |
Order Testudines |
Family EmydidaeBox turtles, freshwater turtles |
Emys orbicularis (Population of Ukraine) (Ukraine) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Class Amphibia |
Order Caudata |
Family SalamandridaeNewts and salamanders |
Echinotriton andersoni #18 (Japan) | (This reservation applies to Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Bailiwick of Guernsey, Isle of Man, Bailiwick of Jersey and Montserrat and to Northern Ireland.) | 02 March 2021 |
Class Actinopteri(FISHES) |
Order Perciformes |
Family PomacanthidaeAngelfishes |
Holacanthus limbaughi (France) | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
30 June 2022 |
Phylum Arthropoda |
Order Araneae |
Family TheraphosidaeRed-kneed tarantulas, tarantulas |
Caribena versicolor (European Union) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
11 January 2023 |
Class Insecta(INSECTS) |
Order Lepidoptera |
Family PapilionidaeBirdwing butterflies, swallowtail butterflies |
Papilio phorbanta (European Union) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
20 May 2023 |
Kingdom Flora (Plants) |
Family AizoaceaeStone plants |
Conophytum spp. (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Mestoklema tuberosum (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family ApocynaceaeElephant trunks, hoodias, snakewood |
Raphionacme zeyheri (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family Compositae (Asteraceae) Kuth |
Crassothonna clavifolia (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Othonna armiana (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Othonna cacalioides (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Othonna euphorbioides (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Othonna retrorsa (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family CrassulaceaeRoseroot |
Tylecodon bodleyae (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Tylecodon nolteei (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Tylecodon reticulatus (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family GeraniaceaeGeraniums |
Monsonia herrei (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Monsonia multifida (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Monsonia patersonii (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Pelargonium crassicaule (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Pelargonium triste (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family Palmae(AREACEAE) Palms |
Lodoicea maldivica #13 (Seychelles) Amendment to annotation #13 to read “The kernel (also known as 'endosperm', 'pulp' or 'copra') and any derivatives thereof, except finished products packaged and ready for retail trade” | (This reservation applies only to Montserrat.) |
22 June 2021 |
Family PassifloraceaePassion-flowers |
Adenia spinosa (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Family PortulacaceaeLewisias, portulacas, purslanes |
Portulacaria pygmaea (South Africa) | (This reservation applies to the Cayman Islands and Montserrat.) |
23 February 2023 |
Personal and household effects | |
Use of phytosanitary certificates as certificates of artificial propagation | Not allowed |
Required | No |
Code | Address | Date of CITES registration | Certif. No. | Valid until |
GB 001 | Address
Science Directorate,
The Natural History Museum, LONDON SW7 5BD Type of services: Taxonomic Reference, Species Conservation Research Contact: Dr Sarah Long, Head of Registry Telephone
+44 (0) 2079 425 712
GB 002 | Address
Department of Natural Sciences,
National Museums of Wales – Cardiff CARDIFF CF10 3NP Type of services: Taxonomic Reference, Species Conservation Research Dr Jana Horak, Head of Department of Natural Sciences Email
+44 (29) 20 57 33 53
GB 003 | Address
National Museums of Scotland
Chambers Street EDINBURGH EH1 1JF Dr Andrew Kitchener Principal Curator of Vertebrates National Museum Scotland Types of services: Taxonomic Reference, Species Conservation Research, Wildlife Forensic Research Email
+44 (131) 247 42 40
GB 004 | Address
National Museums NI, (Ulster Museum)
Cultra, Holywood Co. Down, BT18 0EU Type of services: Taxonomic Reference, Species Conservation Research Hannah Crowdy, Head of Curatorial Museums NI Telephone
+44 (28) 9039 5161
+44 (28) 90 38 31 03
Code | Address | Exporter | Processing/Repackaging |
GB 0001 | Address
Kings Fine Foods
6 Mill Farm Business Park, Millfield Road, Hanworth, Middlesex TWA 5PY Telephone
0208 894 1111
0208 894 3338
No | Yes |
GB 0002 | Address
Caviar House & Prunier
253 Ely Road, Heathrow Airport, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 2RF Telephone
0208 754 8497
0208 754 8496
No | Yes |
GB 0003 | Address
Princesse d’Isenbourg et Cie Ltd
2-3 Bard Road, Holland Park, London W10 6TP Telephone
0208 960 3600,
0208 960 3830
Yes | Yes |
GB 0005 | Address
Caspian Caviar Ltd
Grindstone Mill, Alderley, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 7QT Telephone
07968 163485
01453 521505
No | Yes |
Code | Address |
A-GB-502 | Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Hunting Falcons International
Dr N.C. Fox and Mrs B.I.M. Fox P.O. Box 19 CARMARTHEN SA33 5YL Wales Species bred
Falco peregrinus
Falco rusticolus
Origin of stock
Various breeding operations
Marking of specimens
Closed rings; exported birds are also marked with microchips
A-GB-503 | Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Falcon Mews ”Delaport”
Long Road Brampton En-Le Morthen ROTHERHAM South Yorkshire S66 9BJ Telephone
+44 (1709) 54 81 25
+44 (1709) 54 81 25
Species bred
Falco pelegrinoides
Falco peregrinus
Falco rusticolus
Origin of stock
Various breeding operations in Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom and United States of America; one wild disabled bird
Marking of specimens
Closed rings
A-GB-504 | Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Bob Creese – Gyr Falcons
The Goods Shed Station Road Little Dunham Norfolk PE32 2DJ Email
+ 44 (1760) 72 49 28
+44 (7950) 36 27 30
Species bred
Falco rusticolus
Origin of stock
Imported from Canada and the United States, captive-bred
Marking of specimens
Seamless ring numbered leg bands
A-GB-505 | Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Desert Falcons Ltd – Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Mr Ali Mohamad Almazroui –
Pen y Banc, Carmarthen SA33 5QA, Carmarthenshire Telephone
+971 50 2224411
Species bred
Falco peregrinus
Falco rusticolus
Origin of stock
Bred in captivity in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom and United States of America
Marking of specimens
All stock are fitted with an individually marked closed ring of the appropriate size or a microchip.
ICCWC aims to enhance the capacity and compliment the efforts of national wildlife law enforcement agencies and sub-regional and regional networks that on a daily basis act to combat the illegal trafficking in wild fauna and flora.
The CITES Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) Programme is a site-based system designed to monitor trends in the illegal killing of elephants, build management capacity and provide information to help range States make appropriate management and enforcement decisions.
The CITES tree species programme aims to provide direct financial assistance to Parties in taking conservation and management measures to ensure that their trade in timber, bark, extracts and other products from CITES-listed tree species is sustainable, legal and traceable.