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Notifications to the Parties
Date of issue | Status | Information | Files |
Valid | 2023/109 - World Wildlife Trade Report |
Valid | 2023/098 - COLOMBIA - Regulations in force in Colombia for species of sharks, marine rays and chimaeras |
Valid | 2023/092 - MEXICO - Compliance action plan on Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) |
Valid | 2023/090 - Membership of the intersessional working groups of the Animals and Plants Committees |
Valid | 2023/088 - Request for samples of pangolin specimens |
Valid | 2023/085 - Reservations with respect to the amendments to the Appendices of the Convention |
Valid | 2023/072 - ARGENTINA - Use of security stamps |
Valid | 2023/071 - APPLICATION OF AN EXPEDITED PROCEDURE UNDER ARTICLE XIII FOR WEST AFRICAN ROSEWOOD, PTEROCARPUS ERINACEUS, FOR ALL RANGE STATES - Outcome of the seizure procedure implemented by Senegal regarding a stockpile of Pterocarpus erinaceus from Mali |
Valid | 2023/065 - Reservations with respect to the amendments to the Appendices of the Convention |
Valid | 2023/063 - ECUADOR - Use of security stamps |
Valid | 2023/060 - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - CITES implementing regulations in the United States of America |
Valid | 2023/057 - PANAMA - Suspension of the issuance of export permits for wild-harvested specimens (W) |
Valid | 2023/054 - Membership of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to the CITES Non-Detriment Finding (NDF) Project |
Valid | 2023/052 - Reservations with respect to the amendments to the Appendices of the Convention |
Valid | 2023/048 - MIKE and ETIS Technical Advisory Group (TAG): confirmation of new subregional members |
Valid | 2023/043 - SIXTH SESSION OF UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT ASSEMBLY (UNEA-6) - New agenda item on Cooperation with Multilateral environmental Agreements (MEAs) |
Valid | 2023/036 - Membership of Standing Committee intersessional working groups |
Valid | 2023/034 - Implementation of Resolution Conf. 12.8 (Rev. CoP18) on Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species: Recommendations of the Standing Committee |
Valid | 2023/023 - Monitoring the illegal trade in ivory and other elephant specimens. |
Valid | 2023/022 - Launch of Review of Significant Trade Tracking and Management System |