Institution type
Register of captive-breeding operations
Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Origin of stock
Imported from CITES-registered breeder in Singapore
Marking of specimens
All specimens marked with identification bands and microchip transponder
Wildlife Fauna Breeding & Research -
Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Muzaffar Kaisar bin Mohamad Ishak
Ulu Cemperoh, Kampung Janda Baik,
28750 Bentong, Pahang
Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Muzaffar Kaisar bin Mohamad Ishak
Ulu Cemperoh, Kampung Janda Baik,
28750 Bentong, Pahang
Species bred