Institution type
Register of scientific institutions
Date of CITES registration
Pacific Environmental Science Center (PESC)
2645 Dollarton Highway
North Vancouver, BC
Canada, V7H 1B1
• Joy Bruno – Genomics Biologist, Wildlife Forensic Supervisor
• Rachel Miliano – Genomics Section Head, PESC
Accredited to ISO 17015 standards, PYLET's Genomics and Organics Chemistry laboratories provide scientific data to support wildlife and environmental enforcement related investigations.
The Genomics laboratory provides species identification of flora and fauna to federal agencies, most notably to ECCC's Wildlife Enforcement Directorate. It is the only ECCC laboratory offering species identification using DNA methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of barcode genes.
The Organic Chemistry laboratory also offers chemical analyses nationwide notably for wildlife identification of wood and ginseng. Research on species identification methods including wood identification methods aims to develop capacity and knowledge for identifying CITES-regulated tree species and other species common in trade in Canada to combat the illegal imports of forest products. Methodology includes gas and liquid chromatography, and DART time of flight mass spectrometry (GC/QTOF, LC/QTOF, DART/TOF). This research is conducted in close collaboration with the Canadian Forest Service of Natural Resources Canada.
2645 Dollarton Highway
North Vancouver, BC
Canada, V7H 1B1
• Joy Bruno – Genomics Biologist, Wildlife Forensic Supervisor
• Rachel Miliano – Genomics Section Head, PESC
Accredited to ISO 17015 standards, PYLET's Genomics and Organics Chemistry laboratories provide scientific data to support wildlife and environmental enforcement related investigations.
The Genomics laboratory provides species identification of flora and fauna to federal agencies, most notably to ECCC's Wildlife Enforcement Directorate. It is the only ECCC laboratory offering species identification using DNA methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of barcode genes.
The Organic Chemistry laboratory also offers chemical analyses nationwide notably for wildlife identification of wood and ginseng. Research on species identification methods including wood identification methods aims to develop capacity and knowledge for identifying CITES-regulated tree species and other species common in trade in Canada to combat the illegal imports of forest products. Methodology includes gas and liquid chromatography, and DART time of flight mass spectrometry (GC/QTOF, LC/QTOF, DART/TOF). This research is conducted in close collaboration with the Canadian Forest Service of Natural Resources Canada.