This technical workshop is organized in accordance with Decision 19.237 on Marine ornamental fishes adopted by the Conference of the Parties to CITES at its 19th meeting (CoP19, Panama City, November 2022). The workshop will consider the conservation priorities and management needs related to the trade in non-CITES listed marine ornamental fishes worldwide, with a particular focus on data from importing and exporting countries, and will bring together members of the Animals Committee, representatives from range States, exporting, and importing countries, fishery stakeholders, industry representatives and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
More details are available in Notification to the Parties No. 2024/041. The registration deadline has passed and all participants have now been confirmed. No further in-person participants are being accepted, but participants can still participate remotely in the hybrid sessions.
Date and time
The workshop will be held on 7 to 10 May from 09:00 to 17:00. On-site registration for participants will open on 7 May at 08:00.
The workshop will be held at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets, South Bank, Brisbane, Queensland Australia.
Workshop documents
Revised provisional working programme (Version 3 - 7 May 2024)
Provisional list of attendees (Version 2 May 2024)
Background study
International trade in non-CITES listed marine ornamental fish - Updated version of document CoP19 Inf. 99.
Additional submissions
- Evaluating the extinction risk of species targeted in the marine ornamental fish trade.
- Annex 1. Marine ornamental fish Red List (Excel)
OATA-OFI. Developing an evidence-led species prioritisation framework.
- Species Knowledge Index (SKI)
- Annex 1. Prioritisation spreadsheet (Excel)
MAPI project - Indonesia
Cefas (UK). Marine ornamental fish trade in the UK.
Baillargeon et al (2024). Identifying Species at Risk in Data-Limited Fisheries: A Comprehensive Productivity-Susceptibility Analysis of the Most Traded Marine Aquarium Fish
FAO. Range of FAO and related data sources (Version 2; 9 May 2024)
Reference material
Baillargeon et al 2020. Improving the productivity-susceptibility analysis to assess data-limited fisheries.
Biondo M, 2017: Quantifying the trade in marine ornamental fishes into Switzerland and an estimation of imports from the European Union,
Biondo and Burki 2019. Monitoring the trade in marine ornamental fishes through the European Trade Control and Export System TRACES: Challenges and possibilities.
Biondo and Burki 2020. A systematic Review of the ornamental fish trade with emphasis on coral reef fishes - an impossible task.
Biondo et al. 2024. An updated review of the marine ornamental fish trade in the European Union.
Bonanno et al 2021. The determination of thiocyanate in the blood plasma and holding water of Amphiprion clarkii after exposure to cyanide. PeerJ.
Breen et al 2018. Can excreted thiocyanate be used to detect cyanide exposure in live reef fish? Plos One.
Breen et al 2019. On the half-life of thiocyanate in the plasma of the marine fish Amphiprion ocellaris: implications for cyanide detection. PeerJ
Breen et al. 2023. The half-life of cyanide in the blood of the marine fish, Amphiprion clarkii after cyanide exposure. Cyanide Direct Capture.
Gerson and Remmel 2021. Report on use of the Nature Intelligence System.
Gillett et al. 2020. Aquarium products in the Pacific Islands: A review of the fisheries, management and trade.
Rhyne et al 2012. Revealing the Appetite of the Marine Aquarium Fish Trade: The Volume and Biodiversity of Fish Imported into the United States.
Rhyne et al 2014. Is sustainable exploitation of coral reefs possible? A view from the standpoint of the marine aquarium trade.
Rhyne et al 2017. Expanding our understanding of the trade in marine aquarium animals.
Tlusty 2002. The benefits and risks of aquacultural production for the aquarium trade.
Tlusty et al 2006. Yes fish need to be certified.
Tlusty et al 2023. Real-time automated species level detection of trade document systems to reduce illegal wildlife trade and improve data quality.
Case study
Sustainability of the marine ornamental fishery in Puerto Rico: Ecological aspects.
CITES introductory presentation and Terms of Reference
Presentation on International trade in non-CITES listed marine ornamental fish (CoP19 Inf. 99 [Updated])
Presentation on Extinction risk of marine bony fishes in the ornamental trade
Presentation on Global Trade in Marine Aquarium Fish
Presentation on Trade and management of marine aquarium fish in the Pacific
Presentation on Evaluating Species at Risk in Data‐Limited Fisheries: A Comprehensive Productivity‐Susceptibility Analysis of the Most Traded Marine Aquarium Fish
Presentation on Developing an evidence-led species prioritisation framework
Presentation on Monitoring the marine ornamental fish trade to Europe with the European TRACES (TRade Control and Expert System) - An updated review from 2014-2021