
Institution type
Register of captive-breeding operations
Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Origin of stock
Imported with CITES permits from South Africa, Congo and Cameroon before 2016 / Importado con permisos CITES de Sudáfrica, Camerún y Congo antes de 2016 / Importés avec des permis CITES d’Afrique du Sud, du Cameroun et du Congo avant 2016.
Marking of specimens
Live specimens marked with numbered open or closed bands / Ejemplares vivos marcados con anillos de bandas cerradas o abiertas / Spécimens vivants marqués au moyen de bagues d’identification fermées ou ouvertes.
Animal Paradise Zoological Breeding Farm
Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire: Prem Kaur A/P Santa Singh
Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Tamil Selvan A/L Krishnasamy
No. 892, Kampung Tok Otek, Permatang Bendahari, Penaga
13100 Penang
+60 04-351 7314
Species bred