The objective of electronic CITES or eCITES permitting systems is to improve the implementation of the Convention by using modern Information and Communication Technologies to simplify compliant trade and to combat illegal trade. Implementation of these systems should not be considered as only implementing an ICT system. Rather, taking the opportunity to implement such systems, the Parties will be able to review the procedures for application, issuance, control and exchange of permit information.
Interest for implementing the eCITES systems is gradually increasing across the CITES Parties. The objective of the workshop is to build the capacity of the representatives of CITES Management Authorities and other relevant agencies that are planning or interested in developing electronic CITES permitting systems or exchange electronic permit information. The workshop will deliberate on various guidance and tools available and discuss relevant issues that are considered challenging and need attention.
The workshop will be organized in a hybrid format. For online participation, please register here. Connection details will be shared upon registration. In-person attendees do not need to register online.
For practical information, see information note.
Programme Schedule Workshop Presentations