Engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities

The Standing Committee shall:

a) establish an intersessional working group to consider how to effectively engage indigenous peoples and local communities* in the CITES processes, taking into account the discussions from the previous intersessional periods, including the information contained in document SC74 Doc. 20.2 and SC70 Doc. 15, experiences shared by Parties and relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements and international organizations, and any information provided pursuant to Decision 18.32 (Rev. CoP19); and present its findings and recommendations to the Standing Committee;

b) when establishing the intersessional working group, endeavour to achieve regional balance of Parties and observers, and give special consideration to participation of representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities*;

c) develop non-binding guidance that proponent Parties may use, as appropriate, in consulting with indigenous peoples and local communities* as part of the consultations that may take place on proposals to amend the Appendices; and

d) make recommendations on the engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities* in CITES processes to the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.

Document status
18.31 (Rev. CoP19)
Primary category
Strategic matters
Secondary category
CITES and people
Decision group
17.57 (Rev. CoP19), 18.31 (Rev. CoP19), 18.32 (Rev. CoP19) & 19.54
Decision directed to
Standing Committee
Nineteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Document type
Secretariat comments included