Subject to available funds, the Secretariat shall:
a) within 12 months of the conclusion of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties, commission a preliminary study on the scale and scope of international songbird trade to consider the management and conservation priorities of songbird taxa involved in such trade;
b) consult with appropriate technical experts in the preparation of documents on the conservation, trade, management, enforcement and regulatory priorities of the songbird taxa identified;
c) convene a technical workshop to consider the findings of the study and the reports referred to in paragraph b);
d) invite the members of the Animals and Standing Committees, representatives from range, exporting, transit and consumer States, and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to participate in the workshop; and
e) make the results of the study and workshop, together with recommendations, available to the Animals Committee for its consideration.
Document status
18.256 (Rev. CoP19)
Primary category
Species conservation and trade
Secondary category
Decision group
18.256 (Rev. CoP19) to 18.259 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to
Nineteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Document type
Secretariat comments included