Totoabas (Totoaba macdonaldi)

The Secretariat shall:

a) seek information from Parties on their implementation of Decision 18.292 (Rev. CoP19);

b) engage with partner agencies of the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) in support of activities relevant to ICCWC partners, as outlined in the online Meeting of Range, Transit and Consumer States of Totoaba agreed outcomes document;

c) as a matter of urgency, revise the terms of reference for the study on vaquita and totoaba outlined in Annex 2 to document CoP18 Doc. 89 (Rev. 1), in consultation with the Standing Committee, through the Chair, taking into consideration the outcomes of the online Meeting of Range, Transit and Consumer States of Totoaba held in October 2021, and the decisions of the 74th meeting of the Standing Committee, and commence the study within the first quarter of 2023, subject to the availability of external resources and in consultation with organizations with relevant expertise; and

d) report the information communicated by Parties and Mexico in accordance with Decisions 18.292 (Rev. CoP19) and 18.293 (Rev. CoP19), as well as the study undertaken in accordance with paragraph c) above, in a timely manner (at least 45 days in advance of the 77th meeting of the Standing Committee) to the Standing Committee at its 77th meeting together with any recommendations it may have.

Document status
18.294 (Rev. CoP19)
Primary category
Decision group
18.292 (Rev. CoP19) to 18.295 (Rev. CoP19) & 19.74 to 19.76
Decision directed to
Nineteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Document type
Secretariat comments included