
Institution type
Register of captive-breeding operations
Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Origin of stock
Imported from the Plurinational State of Bolivia / Importado del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia / Importé de l'État plurinational de Bolivie.
Marking of specimens
Live specimens marked with seamless stainless steel leg bands and / or microchips / Especímenes vivos marcados con anillas de identificación cerradas y/o microchip / Spécimens vivants marqués au moyen de bagues d’identification fermées et /ou de puce électronique.
Hyacinth Macaw Aviary, Inc.
Owner, Proprietario, Propriétaire / Manager, Administrador, Gérant: Joseph Muscanera
26800 SW 189 Avenue
Homestead, Florida 33031