Institution type
Register of captive-breeding operations
Date of establishment
Date of CITES registration
Origin of stock
Captive-bred in a CITES-registered operation in Malaysia
Marking of specimens
All specimens marked with coded microchips (transponders)
Sg. Bakau Arowana Sdn. Bhd.
HS (M) 7818 No. P.T. 3029
Tempat Sungai Bakau
Mukim Rawang
48000 Daerah Gombak
Selangor Darul Ehsan
HS (M) 7818 No. P.T. 3029
Tempat Sungai Bakau
Mukim Rawang
48000 Daerah Gombak
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Species bred