Wildlife now has its own special day on the United Nations calendar. On 3 March we will for the first time ever celebrate World Wildlife Day.
The 3rd of March is the opportunity for all of us - no matter who we are or where we are - to celebrate the beauty and variety of the millions of plants and animals that we share our planet with.
While we cherish wildlife in its own right we should not forget that it also contributes to our personal well-being - from food to medicine – from culture to recreation.
But today our wildlife is suffering from habitat loss as well as a grave threat from illegal trade, which is worth many billions of dollars every year. This illegal trade is now threatening the survival of some of our most charismatic species, as well as some plants and animals you may never have heard of.
So as we are celebrating wildlife let’s do whatever we can - as citizens and as consumers - to bring this illegal trade to an end. Let’s work for a future where people and wildlife coexist in harmony.
By working together we can do this - and in doing so secure the future for wild plants and animals as well as for ourselves.
On this special day let's reconnect with our planet's wild side - let's go wild for wildlife!
See also the World Wildlife Day website.