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Mise à jour du programme MIKE
Image en bas à gauche et en bas à droite: Honorable Ministre Philda Nani Kereng, Ministre de l’Environnement et du Tourisme, Botswana; Ivonne Higuero, Secrétaire Général de la CITES; Doreen Robinson, Chef de l’Unite Biodiversité et Terre, PNUE Image
CITES CoP19 – MIKE Programme Update
Upper left and bottom right image: Honourable Minister Philda Nani Kereng, Minister of Environment and Tourism, Botswana; Ivonne Higuero, CITES Secretary-General; Doreen Robinson, Head of Biodiversity and Land, UNEP Upper right image: Klairoong
MIKE Programme E-learning Platform is Live!
With support from GiZ, the MIKE Programme has created the CITES MIKE E-learning platform to provide training courses and guides to help MIKE site staff, national officers, and others involved in MIKE implementation. For the moment the platform has
MIKE Prorgamme Website Launched
We are pleased to announce that the new MIKE Programme website is now live and can be accessed at . The site has been designed to provide information on the MIKE Programme to range States and other interested stakeholders. The site
Subregional Meetings Held for 2021 in West and East Africa
The CITES MIKE Sub-Regional Steering Committee Meeting for the western and eastern Africa sub-regions took place through virtual means from 11 – 12 October 2021 and 10 – 11 November 2021 respectively. The role of the MIKE Sub-regional Steering
MIKE Programme Launches Online Database
In June 2020, the CITES MIKE programme launched the CITES MIKE Online Database, a virtual portal to facilitate the entry of data to monitor the numbers of elephant carcasses found on MIKE sites. MIKE national and site focal points, and other
MIKE Focal Sites Selected in Eastern and Southern Africa
The MIKE focal sites that will be supported under the EU funded Cross Regional Wildlife Conservation in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean project, which is being implemented in partnership with UNODC and the Convention on Migratory
MIKE All Africa Regional Meeting Held
Fifty representatives from 26 African elephant range States met in Kenya to deliberate on the implementation of the CITES programme, Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) across the African continent. It was the first time in almost a
Uganda boosts efforts to strengthen wildlife management capacity and protect elephants
Two new eight-man ranger posts built with support from the Government of Japan and the EU through the CITES MIKE Programme were handed over to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) on Friday 12th April, 2019. The Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of
Marine Ranger Unit operational again in Queen Elizabeth National Park
Queen Elizabeth National Park is dominated by water. With eleven fishing villages throughout the park the waterways are a busy and important economy to tens of thousands of people. However, as the waterways reach all corners of the protected area and
Elephant poaching levels appear to remain stable and unacceptably high in 2018
The CITES MIKE Programme analysis of the 2018 trends in the poaching of African elephants show that the steady increase in the levels of illegal killing of elephants witnessed since 2006, and peaking in 2011, has been halted and appears to have
MIKE All-Asia Regional Meeting Held
On 28 April 2018, the MIKE Asia Regional Meeting was held in Bangkok, back-to-back with the Asian Elephant Specialist Group (AsESG) meeting. The MIKE Asia Regional Meeting was attended by all range state officials, AsESG members, members of the MIKE
Anti-Poaching Operations Centre opens in Chewore Safari Area, Zimbabwe
A Strategic Anti-Poaching Operations Centre located in the Chewore Safari Area in Zimbabwe was handed over by Japanese Ambassador, Toshiyuki Iwado, to the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority today. The centre serves as a post for field
CITES to help combat illegal wildlife trade in West Africa’s most important protected area complex
At the Triple Point in the heart of Park W, where the territories of Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso meet, the General Directors of the wildlife management agencies from each of the three countries signed an agreement to strengthen collaboration in