The MIKE Programme is entirely dependent on donor support. The European Union has been the most important donor for the MIKE programme. Funding has also been provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Governments of Japan, the United Kingdom and China.
Intra-Wildlife Trafficking — ‘MIKES+’

The MIKES+ project builds on and supports the highly successful previous projects, which has been implemented together with African Elephant range States . The MIKES+ project continues support for generating data on the status and trends in African elephant populations, illegal killing and illegal trade in ivory. The project also continues support for activities to strengthen the capacity of wildlife law enforcement agencies at the national level and in focal sites to reduce the impacts of poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
Cross-Regional Wildlife Conservation in Eastern and Southern Africa

This project is being implemented in partnership with UNODC and the Convention on Migratory Species. The MIKE Programme component of the project focuses strengthening protected area management capacity in key MIKE sites within priority transboundary landscapes, and on improving conservation through practical, site-based collaborations between adjacent or connected protected areas. Wherever possible the project builds on the MIKE focal site capacity building activities implemented under the MIKES project (see below).
Law Enforcement and Demand Management in Asia

This project (being implemented in partnership with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)) builds on support provided by USFWS, Governments of Japan, the United Kingdom and China. Aspects being implemented by MIKE focus on strengthening monitoring systems at sites in Asia and building site-based capacity to use the information and improve its contribution to protection efforts. The Law Enforcement and Demand Management in Asia project is funded by the European Union’s Global Public Goods and Challenges Programme.
Improving the conservation of Asian elephants through strengthened CITES implementation in South-East Asia

This project takes forwards the progress regarding MIKE implementation in Asia under the EU funded ‘Law Enforcement and Demand Management in Asia’ project (see below). Activities under this project are focused in two main areas: building the capacity of South-East Asian MIKE sites to monitor illegal killing of elephants and enhance their protection; and supporting actions to implement commitments under CITES that relate to the illegal killing of elephants and trade in elephant specimens. The project is being implemented in partnership with the IUCN Asia Regional Office in Bangkok and the Asian Elephant Specialist Group