We are pleased to announce that the new MIKE Programme website is now live and can be accessed at www.citesmike.org. The site has been designed to provide information on the MIKE Programme to range States and other interested stakeholders. The site provides an overview of the programme’s purpose, and information on each of the sites in the MIKE network.
The site also provides interactive, up-to-date graphs of the latest analysis of elephant mortality for both Africa and Asia, and graphs showing the sub-regional trends. There is a projects page that provides and overview of the current and past projects the programme is implementing, as well as an updates page where you can find the latest updates on MIKE activities.
While the resources page provides links to the new CITES MIKE E-learning Platform and the online training courses offered. Some of the key resources from these courses are also provided on this page so that anyone can access them. This includes short instructional videos and handouts that are designed to assist with the collection and recording of elephant carcass information.
Information relating to CITES Conferences of the Parties, Standing Committee Meetings, and the MIKE and ETIS sub-group and Technical Advisory Group, as well as other updates on the CITES can still be found at www.cites.org.
Apologies to our French speaking range States, but for the moment the MIKE website is only available in English; we are in the process of translating it into French.