Review of Significant Trade (RST)

Resolution Conf. 12.8 (Rev. CoP18) on Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species was designed to identify Appendix-II listed species that may be subject to unsustainable levels of international trade, and identify problems and solutions concerning effective implementation of Article IV paragraph 2 a), 3 and 6 a) of the Convention.

Introducing the CITES Review of Significant Trade Management System

At CoP19, the CITES Secretariat launched the Review of Significant Trade (RST) Management System, developed by the United Nations International Computing Centre and funded by the European Union.

The Review of Significant Trade Management System tracks the progress of country/species combinations selected for review, through the four stages of the Significant Trade Review. Species/country combinations currently subject to review are included, as well as those that have been eliminated from review, following satisfactory reports from the range State.

This new Management System will be an essential online tool for the effective implementation of CITES and give full transparency of the process, which will help all stakeholders to keep track of ongoing cases. It will be particularly important for CITES Parties to engage throughout the RST process.

Explore the Review of Significant Trade Management system here:

A draft public user guide is available here.

Provisions of the Convention

Article IV paragraph 2 a), 3 and 6 a) of the Convention

Resolutions and Decisions


Relevant documentation

AC31 Doc.13.1 and its Addendum on Overview of the Review of Significant Trade

AC31 Doc. 13.4 on Species selected following CoP18

PC25 Doc. 15.1 and its Addendum on Overview of the Review of Significant Trade

PC25 Doc. 15.4 on Species selected following CoP18

PC25 Doc. 15.5 and its Addendum on Inclusion of Pterocarpus erinaceus in the Review of Significant Trade

AC31 Doc. 13.5 / PC25 Doc. 15.6 on Country-wide significant trade reviews

SC74 Doc. 30.1 and its Addendum on Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species - Implementation of recommendations of the Animals and Plants Committees

SC74 Doc. 30.2 on Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species - Review of recommendations to suspend trade made more than two years ago

SC74 Doc. 31 on Country-wide significant trade reviews

SC75 Doc. 8 on Review of Significant Trade in specimens of Appendix-II species

CoP19 Doc. 31 on Country-wide significant trade reviews