The Standing Committee shall re-establish an intersessional joint working group to review the use of purpose-of-transaction codes by Parties, with the following terms of reference:
a) the working group shall be composed of Parties from as many of the six CITES regions as possible, and appropriate intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, with expertise in the issuance of CITES documents and use of purpose-of-transaction codes for evaluation within the permit issuance process and trade data analysis;
b) the working group shall, communicating through electronic media, focus on clearly defining purpose-of transaction codes, other than those adopted as of CoP19, to encourage their consistent use, and consider the possible elimination or amendment of current codes or the inclusion of new ones. In particular the working group shall continue the discussions on purpose codes ‘P’ and ‘T’ which were reported in SC74 Doc 43;
c) the working group shall also clarify the overlap between purpose-of-transaction codes that describe physical locations and purpose-of-transaction codes that describe activities, one or more of which may pertain to any given permit;
d) the working group shall also consider any Resolution related to or affected by purpose- of-transaction codes, taking into account document CoP19 Doc. 42, to ensure coherent interpretation; and
e) the working group shall submit a report and any recommendations for amendments to Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP19) on Permits and certificates, or to any revision thereof, and recommendations for amendments to any other Resolution identified under paragraph d) above to the 77th meeting of the Standing Committee, which shall report, with its recommendations, at the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.