The Standing Committee, with the assistance of the Secretariat, shall:
a) explore whether further non-binding guidance is needed on the implementation of the Convention with respect to possession of specimens of species included in Appendix I, including species that have been transferred from Appendix II to Appendix I, as well as specimens of species included in Appendix II subject to a zero export quota contained in the Appendices, to help address illegal international trade and, if so, request the Secretariat to prepare draft guidance for its endorsement;
b) consider whether additional recommendations related to the possession of specimens of species included in Appendix I, including species that have been transferred from Appendix II to Appendix I, as well as specimens of species included in Appendix II subject to a zero export quota contained in the Appendices, in relevant Resolutions are warranted to address illegal international trade in such specimens; and
c) make recommendations for consideration at the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, including appropriate revisions to existing Resolutions, relating to the regulation of possession of specimens of species included in Appendix I, including species that have been transferred from Appendix II to Appendix I, as well as specimens of species included in Appendix II subject to a zero export quota contained in the Appendices, to help address illegal international trade in such specimens.