The Standing Committee shall:
a) in consultation with the Animals and Plants Committees, develop specific terms of reference including modus operandi and a roadmap as appropriate, to guide the continuation of the review of trade in specimens of both CITES-listed animals and plants not of wild source;
b) continue to consider amendments to Resolution Conf. 10.16 (Rev. CoP19) and Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP19), as well as any amendment to other Resolutions concerning provisions on trade in specimens of both CITES-listed animals and plants not of wild source, taking into account findings and suggestions in document SC74 Doc. 56 and any related comments and recommendations from the Standing Committee, Parties, the Secretariat or other stakeholders;
c) review issues and challenges in the application of the Convention for trade in non-wild specimens of both CITES-listed animal and plant species, in particular key elements that may contribute to the uneven application of Article VII, paragraphs 4 and 5, and consider the scientific advice and guidance from the Animals and Plants Committees on the need for implementing these Articles differently for either animal specimens from species bred in captivity or plant specimens that are artificially propagated; and
d) make recommendations for addressing these issues and challenges, including amendments to existing Resolutions or development of a new Resolution or Decisions to address these issues and challenges, for consideration at the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.