19.22 & 19.23 Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Plants Committee, in collaboration with the Secretariat
The Plants Committee shall, in collaboration with the Secretariat: a) taking into account the relevant outcomes under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) regarding the post-2020 future of the GSPC, consider the need to revise Resolution Conf. 16.5 on Cooperation with the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation; b) if considered appropriate, draft a revision to Resolution Conf. 16.5 with a view to ensure that a two-way collaboration between both Conventions is reflected; and c) present its recommendations to the Standing Committee.
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee, in coordination with the Plants Committee and the Secretariat
The Standing Committee shall consider any report prepared in response to Decision 19.22, and in coordination with the Plants Committee and the Secretariat, convey its recommendations to the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.