18.166, 18.168 (Rev. CoP19) & 18.169 (Rev. CoP19) Guidance on non-detriment findings for trade in leopard (Panthera pardus) hunting trophies

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Parties with quotas established under Resolution Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP19)
All Parties which have quotas for leopard hunting trophies established under Resolution Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP19) are encouraged to conduct regular surveys, adjust quotas as appropriate, and exchange information and lessons learnt regarding the process for determining that such quotas are non-detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild.
18.168 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to:
Animals Committee
The Animals Committee shall review any information submitted by the Secretariat under Decision 18.169 (Rev. CoP19) and make recommendations to the Secretariat and leopard range States, as appropriate.
18.169 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to:
The Secretariat shall, subject to external resources: a) encourage and support all Parties with quotas for leopard hunting trophies established under Resolution Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP19) to exchange information and lessons learnt regarding the process for determining that such quotas are non-detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild; and b) in cooperation with range States and relevant experts, develop guidance that can assist Parties in the making of non-detriment findings for trade in leopard hunting trophies in compliance with Resolution Conf. 10.14 (Rev. CoP19), share the draft guidance with the Animals Committee for its review, make such guidance available on the CITES website, and encourage its use by relevant Parties.