18.309, 18.310 (Rev. CoP19), 18.311 & 18.312 (Rev. CoP19) Use of time-specific versions of online databases as standard nomenclature references

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) continue to engage copyright-holders of relevant online-databases that might serve as standard nomenclature references and explore the possible use of time-specific versions for CITES services; for example, relevant databases include but are not limited to WoRMS, Fish Base, ESCHMEYER & FRICKE's Catalog of Fishes, Amphibian Species of the World, and Corals of the World as standard references;

b) report the results of its consultations to the Animals Committee.

18.310 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to:
Animals Committee

The Animals Committee shall:

a) evaluate the results of the Secretariat’s consultation;

b) develop recommendations on the use of time-specific online-databases as standard nomenclature references for decision by the Conference of the Parties at its 20th meeting.

Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) seek, if possible, a time-specific version of the WoRMS database; and

b) report on progress to the Animals Committee.

18.312 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to:
Animals Committee

The Animals Committee shall:

a) consider the report of the Secretariat and proceed towards recommending for adoption of a standard nomenclature reference for CITES-listed corals;

b) update its list of coral taxa for which identification to genus level is acceptable, but which should be identified to species level where feasible, once a new standard nomenclature reference for CITES-listed coral species has been identified and provide the updated list to the Secretariat for dissemination; and

c) report with recommendations to the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.