Parties affected by illegal trade in cheetahs are encouraged to:
a) review their national legislation taking into consideration the provisions of paragraph 6 c), d), f), and g) in Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev.CoP19) on Compliance and enforcement, and where needed revise such legislation to ensure that it adequately addresses illegal wildlife trade, including illegal trade in cheetahs;
b) make use of the secure communication channels provided by INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization to strengthen information and intelligence exchange, and the resources available through the Cheetahs webpage on the CITES website;
c) scale up activities to address illegal online trade in cheetah specimens, including by drawing upon the support available through INTERPOL, the Wildlife Crime Linked to the Internet: Practical Guidelines for Law Enforcement Practitioners, and as appropriate, reviewing their implementation of the provisions under “Regarding wildlife crime linked to the Internet”, in Resolution Conf. 11.3 (Rev. CoP19) on Compliance and enforcement, and pursue the full implementation of these provisions; and
d) report to the Secretariat in advance of the 78th meeting of the Standing Committee on the implementation of this Decision.
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