18.116 & 19.115 to 19.122 Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae spp.)

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Parties where illegal markets for rhinoceros horn exist
Parties in which illegal markets for rhinoceros horn exist are encouraged to develop demand reduction programmes targeted at key identified audiences, taking into consideration the provisions in Resolution Conf. 17.4 (Rev. CoP19) on Demand reduction strategies to combat illegal trade in CITES-listed species and taking advantage of the experience and expertise developed in other jurisdictions and by other organizations. Parties are urged to close those markets that contribute to poaching or illegal trade.
Decision directed to:
Parties are encouraged to: a) scale up efforts to collect samples from rhinoceros horn seized within their territories for forensic analysis, as anticipated by paragraph 1 g) of Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP19) on Conservation of and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses; b) use the simplified procedures provided for under the Regarding the use of simplified procedures to issue permits and certificates in Resolution Conf. 12.3 (Rev. CoP19) on Permits and certificates for law enforcement purposes, to facilitate the exchange of rhinoceros horn samples for DNA analyses; and c) use the Form for collection and sharing of data on rhinoceros horn seizures and on samples for forensic analysis available in the Annex to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP19), as appropriate, to facilitate exchange of information and samples for analyses.
Decision directed to:
Parties are encouraged to: a) draw upon the Directory of illegal trade in rhinoceros horn focal points maintained by the CITES Secretariat, as may be needed, to facilitate contact between relevant agencies in different countries on matters related to rhinoceros poaching and illegal rhinoceros specimen trade; and b) if included in the directory, immediately inform the Secretariat if the details of their national focal point should be updated.
Decision directed to:
Botswana and South Africa
Botswana and South Africa are encouraged to review trends associated with the illegal killing of rhinoceroses and illegal trade in rhinoceros’ specimens affecting them, and the measures and activities they are implementing to address these crimes, to ensure that these measures and activities are effective and adapted as may be needed to respond to any newly identified trends.
Decision directed to:
China, Mozambique, South Africa and Viet Nam
China (including Hong Kong SAR of China), Mozambique, South Africa and Viet Nam are encouraged to further strengthen their engagement, undertaking joint operations and further strengthening information and intelligence exchange, to build upon collaborative efforts, progress made and successes achieved, and further expand their collaboration to address illegal rhinoceros horn trade.
Decision directed to:
Malaysia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates
Malaysia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are encouraged to scale up their collaboration with Parties known to be associated with illegal rhinoceros specimens transiting their territories, and to review their risk management practices, developing rhinoceros specific risk profiles targeting cargo, luggage and passengers from and destined to these Parties.
Decision directed to:
Subject to external funding, the Secretariat shall: a) convene a follow up CITES Rhinoceros Enforcement Task Force meeting consisting of representatives of national enforcement agencies, including those involved in combating organised crime from Parties affected by rhinoceros poaching and illegal trade in rhinoceros specimens and, as appropriate, other Parties and experts to develop strategies to further strengthen responses to address rhinoceros poaching and rhinoceros specimen trafficking, taking into consideration the key poaching and trafficking challenges and responses outlined in Annex 4 to document CoP19 Doc. 75, and the outcomes of the October 2013 CITES Rhinoceros Enforcement Task Force meeting presented in the Annex to Notification to the Parties No. 2014/006 of 23 January 2014, and any other relevant matters; and b) report to the Standing Committee on the results of the Task Force meeting, together with any recommendations it may have.
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall consider the reports of the Secretariat in accordance with Decisions 19.120 and 19.122 and make recommendations to the Parties and the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties as appropriate.
Decision directed to:
The Secretariat shall: a) examine the implementation of Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP19) and Decisions 19.117, 19.118 and 19.119 regarding measures to address the illegal killing of rhinoceros and trafficking of rhinoceros horn, and; b) report to the 77th and 78th meetings of the Standing Committee.