19.156, 19.157, 18.184 (Rev. CoP19), 18.185 (Rev. CoP19) Stocks and stockpiles (elephant ivory)

Decision directed to
18.184 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) identify those Parties that have not provided information on the level of government-held stockpiles of ivory and significant privately held stockpiles of ivory within their territory or where stockpiles are not well secured and report to the 77th and 78th meetings of the Standing Committee with recommendations as necessary; and

b) annually publish updated summary data based on the inventories submitted by Parties disaggregated to regional but not country level, including the total ivory stockpiles by weight.

18.185 (Rev. CoP19)
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee
At its 77th and 78th meetings, the Standing Committee shall consider the report and recommendations of the Secretariat in Decision 18.184 (Rev. CoP19) and determine whether any further actions are necessary in the case of Parties who fail to provide annual inventories of government-held stockpiles of ivory and significantly privately held stockpiles of ivory within their territory or where stockpiles are not well secured.
Decision directed to:

Parties are urged to:

a) comply with the provisions of paragraph 7 e) of Resolution Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP19) on Trade in elephant specimens concerning reporting on stockpile inventories to ensure the required information is submitted to the Secretariat every year;

b) ensure that adequate funding, capacity building and training are available to ensure ivory stockpiles are inventoried, secured, and when appropriate, disposed of properly.

Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) invite Parties, through a Notification, to submit information about available management tools, and new techniques and technologies related to any of the elements mentioned or referred to in the “Practical guidance on ivory stockpile management”; and

b) prepare and submit a summary of the responses to the Notification with, as appropriate, draft recommendations relating to the incorporation of new information in the guidance documents or any of the documents referred to in the guidance documents for consideration at the 78th meeting of the Standing Committee.