19.169 to 19.174 Disposal of confiscated specimens

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) continue to collect information on existing networks and resources on the management of seized and confiscated live animals and make it available to Parties on the CITES website;

b) subject to the availability external funding, develop and make available materials that may assist Parties in implementing Annex 3 to Resolution Conf. 17.8 (Rev. CoP19) on Disposal of illegally traded and confiscated specimens of CITES-listed species, as needed; and

c) report to the Standing Committee on the implementation of this Decision.

Decision directed to:
Parties are encouraged to make use of the information and materials made available by the Secretariat on the CITES webpage dedicated to the disposal of illegally traded and confiscated specimens.
Decision directed to:
Parties and relevant stakeholders
Parties and relevant stakeholders that have not already done so are invited to share with the Secretariat information on existing networks and resources on the management of seized and confiscated live animals in place in their country, including any action plans, protocols, regulatory measures, standard operating procedures developed to coordinate actions among public authorities, and guidelines for the management of specific species or genera.
Decision directed to:
Parties and relevant stakeholders
Parties, governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other entities are invited to provide financial and/or technical assistance, as relevant, for the implementation of Decision 19.169, paragraph b).
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall consider the report submitted by the Secretariat under Decision 19.169 and make recommendations, as appropriate.
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee shall review Question 7 of the “Decision Tree Analysis – Captivity” in Annex 1 to Resolution Conf. 17.8 (Rev. CoP19) with attention to ensuring there are no grounds for concern that any transfer of Appendix I species will stimulate further illegal or irregular trade or benefit those involved in the illegal or irregular transaction that gave rise to confiscation and recommend revisions to the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties as appropriate.