19.186 to 19.188 Identifying information on species at risk of extinction affected by international trade

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Standing Committee, in collaboration with the Animals and Plants Committees

The Standing Committee shall, in collaboration with the Animals and Plants Committees:

a) consider under Resolution Conf. 19.2 on Capacity-building how to provide Parties requesting it with information from any relevant studies, analyses or other sources on the identification of species at risk of extinction that are not yet regulated under CITES or may receive insufficient CITES regulation and that are or may be affected by international trade, working in coordination with the CITES Secretariat, CITES Parties, IUCN, UNEP-WCMC, FAO, regional competent authorities, and relevant experts as appropriate so that Parties may consider such information, as appropriate, in the preparation of listing proposals under Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17) on the Criteria for amendment of Appendices I and II; 

b) establish a working group, with representation from all regions, the Animals and Plants Committees, and observers to review the recommendations developed by the Animals and Plants Committees under Decision 19.187 and make recommendations on the implementation of paragraph a) of the present.

The terms of reference for the working group shall be as provided below.

Terms of reference for the Standing Committee working group


Review recommendations made by the Animals and Plants Committees under Decision 19.187.


The working group will be Party led. It is proposed to have two co-chairs (and if necessary a vice-chair), with the co-chairs leading the work of the group. Membership will be open to Parties, intergovernmental organizations, and observers in line with the Standing Committee Rules of Procedure.

Modus Operandi

The group will operate by electronic correspondence to the extent possible. Support with translation and interpretation in the working languages of the Convention will be provided by the CITES Secretariat, subject to external resources. Should a meeting be considered necessary, the group may meet virtually or in conjunction with intersessional meetings of the Standing Committee or any other CITES meetings should timings and resources permit.

Decision directed to:
Animals and Plants Committees
The Animals and Plants Committees shall develop draft recommendations for consideration by the Standing Committee to facilitate the implementation of Decision 19.186.