19.218 to 19.221 Eels (Anguilla spp.)

Decision directed to
Decision directed to:
Range States of European eels (Anguilla anguilla), transit and importing Parties

Range States of European eels (Anguilla anguilla), transit and importing Parties are encouraged to:

a) strengthen co-ordination between range States, (re-)exporting and importing Parties to improve traceability and effective enforcement measures for trade in Anguilla spp., particularly the European eel;

b) submit any non-detriment finding studies on European eels they have undertaken to the Secretariat for inclusion on the CITES website; explore the different approaches that might be taken for making non-detriment findings for European eels traded as fingerlings (FIG) compared with those traded as other live eels (LIV); collaborate and share information with other Parties regarding such studies and their outcome, especially where the Parties share catchments or water bodies; seek review and advice from the Animals Committee or other suitable body on any non-detriment findings for European eels, where appropriate;

c) develop and/or implement adaptive European eel management plans at national or sub-national (or catchment) level, with defined and time-bound goals, and enhance collaboration within countries between authorities and other stakeholders with responsibilities for eel management, and between countries where water bodies or catchments are shared;

d) implement the reporting recommendations in document SC75 Doc. 12 to ensure that, where possible, trade in Anguillid eels is reported at species-level and differentiated by life stage (as set out in the Guidelines for the preparation and submission of CITES annual reports);

e) share information on stock assessments, harvests, the results of monitoring and other relevant data with the Joint Working Group on Eels (WGEEL) of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission, the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas and the Central Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM), so that a full and complete picture of the state of the European eel stock can be established;

f) develop measures or implement more effectively existing measures to improve the traceability or assessment of legal acquisition of eels in trade (both live and dead) and aquaculture and share these with the Secretariat;

g) provide the Secretariat with information regarding any changes to measures they have in place to restrict the trade in live ‘glass’ or fingerling European eels;

h) share with the Secretariat, where available, protocols and guidelines for reintroduction of seized live European eels to the wild; and

i) provide information to the Secretariat on the implementation of this Decision or any updates to the information previously submitted in response to Notification to the Parties No. 2021/018 on eels, to allow it to report to the Animals Committee and Standing Committee, as appropriate.

Decision directed to:

The Secretariat shall:

a) issue a Notification inviting range States of European eels (Anguilla anguilla), transit and importing Parties to submit to the Secretariat information on the implementation of Decision 19.218, any information sought in Notification No. 2021/018 not already provided or any updates to the information previously submitted in response to Notification to the Parties No. 2021/018 on eels, especially information on current levels of, or emerging trends in, trade in specimens of Anguilla spp.;

b) prepare and submit a summary of the responses to Notification to the Parties No. 2021/018 on eels, including any updates provided under Decision 19.218, with draft recommendations on the conservation and management of European eels to the Animals Committee and draft recommendations to improve implementation of the Convention for European eels to the Standing Committee, for their consideration; and

c) submit the study prepared in the implementation of Decision 18.199, paragraph d), on levels of trade and trade patterns, especially in live eels for aquaculture, and sources of supply, identify any disparities between these, and draft recommendations for the more effective future management of harvests and trade for consideration by the Animals Committee and Standing Committee, as appropriate.

Decision directed to:
Animals Committee

The Animals Committee shall:

a) if requested, consider any reports submitted by Parties with respect to the making of non-detriment findings for trade in European eels and provide advice and guidance as needed; and

b) consider the study referred to in paragraph c) of Decision 19.219, the report produced by the Secretariat under paragraph b) of Decision 19.219 and make recommendations to improve the conservation and management of European eels, for consideration by the Standing Committee or the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate.

Decision directed to:
Standing Committee

The Standing Committee shall:

a) consider the report prepared by the Secretariat and any other available information relating to illegal trade in European eels and make recommendations as appropriate;

b) review any advice and recommendations from the Animals Committee concerning Decision 19.220 and make recommendations to improve the implementation of the Convention for European eels and the applicability of developing a specific Resolution to the Parties or the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate;

c) with the assistance of the Secretariat, engage with the World Customs Organization to examine the feasibility of harmonizing customs codes relevant to trade in all Anguilla species; and

d) report on the implementation of this Decision to the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties.